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Growing a monkey tail

Taking a long massive shit.

I'm waiting for Melissa, cuz she's growing a monkey tail.

by comehonorfaceboots November 17, 2016

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

The Pain of Growing Up

Realizing that you are expected to change your old ways and begin to mature, take on responsibilities, take charge of your life, depend on yourself - and being VERY scared to face these changes.

"I wish I was a kid again. I've realized that the world is quite a different place once you become older. We are all robots now, expected to operate a certain way. I have so many things that must be done, and I feel as though the fun times of my past are growing further and further away each day."
"Tell me about it. That's the pain of growing up."

by ttjm June 11, 2016

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Grow your business

Dicktard business phrase that means "Why aren't you making me more money?" Commonly used by franchise business owners to guilt their unpaid commission based employees into working harder.

I see that third quarter profits are down and that you haven't been coming to our Sunday afternoon meetings. Don't you want to grow your business ?

by @peSh!t crayzee December 18, 2014

grow some balls

an insult referring to your obvious manlessness. Has more meaning when said by a girl.

"I'm afraid of doing this."

"Grow some balls!"

by Grinning Assassin January 3, 2010

124πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

watching grass grow

The most fucking boring thing to do know to man

Counting stars would be a better way to waste your time

by cuhk_solidbones July 5, 2005

38πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Money Grows on Trees

An author’s little-known truth, because trees give rise to lumber, which can then be converted to paper, before it is being used to print books, which earn the writer a cash lump sum or an obscene royalty.

In billions of homes, it’s not uncommon for parents telling their children off that money doesn’t grow on trees, or that money is hard to come by, but for millions of authors and publishers, the opposite is true: β€œMoney grows on trees.”

by Fasters April 26, 2023

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Growing Up Gotti

The worst show I have ever seen in my life.

Those 3 Gotti boys all need a kick in the face. God damm poofters.

Terrible television at its best.

Guy 1 "Dude, did you watch growing up Gotti last night? I love that show"

Guy 2 "Go and kill yourself"

by Night of the long Knives May 16, 2007

75πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž