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gay ass bitch

Did u hear the new ke$ha song?

ya it sucked dick

by dayyyaaaammmmdumbassmofucka March 31, 2011

128๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


a 'singer' who failed kindergarten, a horrible example of singing, and tells kids its okay to go out and get wasted. and who has no ideas who mick jagger is.

ke$ha: omg lets go do guys who look like mick Jaggerrrr!
Sane person: do you even know who mick jagger is?

9 yr old: lets go get wasted!
Me: do you even know what that is?
9 yr old: no but Ke$ha said its cool so i wanna get wasted!

by BearyBoo December 4, 2010

304๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word meaning absolutely nothing that can be randomly shouted at the top of your lungs at any time for no specific reason. Try yelliing ha~ses at your mom, teacher, local rug merchant, or your little sister. It works more effectively when you flick a foreign object across the room while yelling ha~ses.

This ha~ses chaos theory arose in Ocean County, NJ and is slowly spreadiing across the nation.


Sauce: Sauce is the lame attempt of a group of kids trying to make ha~ses original and their "own thing". They yell the word "sauce" cause they think it makes them as cool as the rest of the ha~ses-ers out there, don't be fooled, their all just a bunch of tool-bags.

Ses: Sessing has a completely different meaning to it. Not to be confused with ha~ses or sauce. Ses is the act of unadulterated fun. It's the act of doing "absolutely nothing sexual" and being really sketchy about it.

A word meaning absolutely nothing that can be randomly shouted at the top of your lungs at any time for no specific reason. Try yelliing ha~ses at your mom, teacher, local rug merchant, or your little sister. It works more effectively when you flick a foreign object across the room while yelling ha~ses.

This ha~ses chaos theory arose in Ocean County, NJ and is slowly spreadiing across the nation.

"The test today will contain thr--"
"Excuse me?!"

by Anthony April 2, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used by Courtney (a character played by Amanda Bynes) on the Amanda show. She appeared in other various sketches.

Josh: What did you put on my face?!
Courtney: Cupcake.
Josh: Why??
Courtney: MA HA!

by starburstmango December 31, 2010

77๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Yet another no-talent hack posing as a musician. Her lyrics read like they were written by an 11 year old girl with ADHD, and she can't sing worth shit. In fact, she doesn't even sing her verses - she just proses while autotuning her voice to the point that she sounds like a chalkboard being scraped with a cheese grater, while synthesizers drone on in the background. The only part of her awful "songs" (if you can call them that) which she actually sings is the chorus.

Sadly, this bitch has a large fanbase of 13 year old girls, so she makes millions off of her shit, while plenty of musicians with real talent struggle daily just to make a living (her success is, of course, due to her "assets" - meaning her boobs and ass). The success of talentless idiots like Ke$ha and Justin Bieber could rightfully be interpreted as a sign of the Apocaylpse.

The CIA has recently started using Ke$ha songs as a torture device for interrogating suspected terrorists. Now they won't have any need for waterboarding.

by ElvisHairDude98 November 23, 2010

298๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž

has balls

If he/she has balls that means they are brave as fuck. They have guts and are braver than most people. Like being a crazy stuntman.

e people from jackass have balls like Evel Knievel has balls; its crazy the shit they do...; you can die from those stunts.

by Au. August 24, 2015

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


An adjective describing a disgusting grimy appearance or smell of a female caused by not showering for an extended period of time.

Girl 1: Oh my god look at that girls hair.
Girl 2: So gross, she's so Ke$ha I can smell her from here.

by Deelete January 11, 2011

331๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž