Highlands, NC is a historic mountain town founded in the 1800s by Southern plantation owners to escape the heat and malaria of summers in the lower South. Many people from SC, FLA and GA have second homes here. The golf, fishing, and scenery are awesome here but there is no nightlife, no music scene and not even a movie theatre. Also very few residents stay year round in this suitcase community.
Franklin yoke says, "Hey lets go to Highlands and scare the tourists from Etlanta" Bud replies, "Hell yeah, let me mount the rebel flag to my pick-up first!!!!!"
The Northern part of Scotland that has the population of around three people, you can blame the British for that. *Cough cough* HighLands clearance *cough cough*
How many people are in the highlands?
3 Tops.
A highland cow disguised as a chicken as in an attempt to trick a girl’s man’s into buying her a minicow
“Baby can we get a highland chicken??? *winks*
A middle school where there is too much drama and alot of bitches to start it. If you want to go to highland lakes its like committing suicide. Everyday you spend in highland lakes is a day you have wasted valuable energy and wisdom.
Hey bro, have you heard of highland lakes middle school? Its a shitstorm.
Defined - A series of collages pretending to be a University in the North of Scotland. UHI as its also known as a last resort on a UCAS application form and possibly one of the least prestigious universities on the planet. The university is best known for being the dullest university in Britain and inept media studies courses where all the students fail.
The student association is almost non existent and the majority of students there are too dumb to get in anywhere else.
"I go to uni"
"awh that's cool where do you study"
"the University of the Highlands and Islands"
"what went wrong"
Highland High School is a place with hot yet toxic guys. don’t get involved with them unless you want mental trauma😃
I hate Highland High School
A single index finger lifted from the steering wheel when acknowledging another driver when using passing places appropriately on single-track roads in the Highlands of Scotland.
They let me pass so I gave them a Highland Finger