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Houston Garage Riders (HGR)

A Group of Extremely Badass longboarders that blast down parking garages at incredibily high rates of speed. HGR dominates at all aspects of longboarding and speedboarding! known and repped by Carve Skateshop! HGR is simply unstoppable! HGR is also widely hated by other texas longboard groups because these other texas longboard groups (ALC and Other fags) get extremely offended by internet bullshit (Chubs ranting) and the fact that HGR is really badass, they just really want to be a part of it but can't because they are simply not badass enough!

ALC dude #1- "hey did you see those Badass Houston Garage Riders (HGR) dudes Steezin it up last night?"

ALC Dude #2- "Yeah dude i really wanna be just like them!"

HGR Badass #1- "yeah we are pretty badass dont fuck with us!!"

by Jake the HGR Badass July 12, 2010

41๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sam Houston State University

1.Where people who didn't get into REAL schools, but like the idea of attending a four year university to get their degree in parole officing go.

2.Where self-sabotaging people go to ensure they fail in life.

I got a 1310 on my SAT and was therefore automatically accepted into every state school in Texas, but I hate myself and wish to piss my life away, so instead I'll go to Sam.

by Osten January 18, 2005

60๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž

Houston Hooters Hot Wings

A Hooters girl put a rude customers hot wings in her vagina before sending to table in Houston Texas.

Bro did you hear about Houston Hooters Hot Wings? They got a new flavor only for rude chaps!

by NASCARFAN18 August 27, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Houston, we've had a problem here

Originally a genuine report of a life-threatening fault. Now used humorously to report any kind of problem.

John Swigert, Jr. and James Lovell who, with Fred Haise Jr., made up the crew of the US's Apollo 13 moon flight used (almost) this phrase to report a major technical problem back to their Houston base.

Swigert: 'Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here.'
Duke: 'This is Houston. Say again please.'
Lovell: 'Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a main B bus undervolt.'

by Archon723 July 17, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Slay the house down boots houston im deceased

Its a more betters version of slay, its the moment and its giving rich and expensive. If you dont know what slay the house down boots houston im deceased means then you probably a loser. Im talking to you aiden fisher. But yeah its the best word in the dictionary and only losers dont say it.

person 1: I ate!

person 2: omg slay the house down boots houston im deceased!!

by yourhonorimslaying April 28, 2022

163๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

slay the house down boots Houston I'm deceased

A term used to express exaggerated joy and approval by onlookers or witnesses to behavior perceived as iconic or fierce (e.g. a death drop during a voguing performance, a friend looking hot in a provocative outfit, etc.), or at an unexpected but propitious outcome (e.g. a celebrity coming out, news of a highly anticipated album drop, etc.), typically within the context of gay counterculture.

The term is a portmanteau and takes the form of a command followed by a proclamation. "Slay the house down boots" mixes the use of "slay", widely used as a shorthand to express joyful surprise, with the instruction to slay "the house down", implying a larger edifice or audience, typically in the context of a performance. The addition of "boots" is used for shock effect, echoing wider gay parlance. "Houston I'm deceased" is a play on the lines used by astronauts communicating to NASA's Mission Control and implies that the reaction was so urgent that a well-known authority had to be notified; "I'm deceased" humorously implies that something was so overwhelming that the speaker has passed away. The impossibility of literal use accentuates the chaos and humor.

The term is used primarily among queer youths and emerged from the NY ballroom and drag scene before percolating into wider gay culture, primarily via memes and alt Twitter. It is used for its flamboyant flair and for its tendency to bewilder straight audiences.

*Performer executes a flawless death drop while voguing*
"Yis maw maw you better werk"
"Slay the house down boots Houston I'm deceased!!"

by rabidtuberculosis August 1, 2023

Slay the house down boots Houston Iโ€™m deceased

A term used when expressing positive emotions when something is found found agreeable, boujee and sometimes comical.

โ€œLook at my new burkin handbagโ€ Ooh Slay the house down boots Houston Iโ€™m deceased!

โ€œI dropped my fake friendโ€ Slay the house down boots Houston Iโ€™m deceased!

by Giddy D October 28, 2023