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Bastards incorporated movie studio

Bastards Incorporated is a term which originated from the 80's comedy "The Comedy Company"'. It describes a conman company that sells products which are defective and useless.

It is now used as an all encompasing word for movies that typify white trash values, violence, mindless storylines and crass uneducated humor. These movies are made under the comedy and horror genres but are generally a thinly disguised veil of ultimate warfare of corrupt mob enterprises and psychotic writers against targets they deem worthy of life ruining.

The characters are purposely depicted in the most ficticious and humiliating scenarious in order to basically ruin their targets lives as well as their sanity and maximise profits, and cover up their own sordid lives of others.

"this is not art or cinema it is terrorism".

Exampled of Bastards Incorporated movie studio include:
Scary Movie franchaise
Disaster movie, Epic Movie etc.
American Pie Series
Twilight Franchaise
Movies that depict prostitutes, strippers etc.
Serial killer horror movie franchaises.
Movies that are so violent, warped and unrealistic you have nightmares for months.

by nostradamous merry maid January 18, 2011

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Monster Records Studio

Monster Records Studio is an italian music label. This label offers excellent services and is always looking for bizarre, creative and deep artists! The aim of this music label is to give space to all the emotions of the artists!

Wow! You are lucky because you signed a record deal with Monster Records Studio!

by Mozartforlife00 November 23, 2022

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Right Behind You by Valve Studios Orchestra

Right Behind You by Valve Studios Orchestra is a part of the Team Fortress 2 OST and is used towards the end of the Meet the Spy promotional video. It is a relatively simple song that progressively builds up fear and/or suspense as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds-Wait this was about Right Behind You by Valve Studios Orchestra, not the FitnessGram Pacer Test. Anyway, let's get back to the point.

Ahem. Gentlemen.
I see the briefcase is safe.
Safe and sound, mmhmm!
Yeah, it is!
Tell me, did anyone happen to kill a RED Spy on the way here? No? Then we still have a problem.
...And a knife!
Ooh, big problem. I've killed plenty of Spies. They're dime-a-dozen backstabbing scumbags, like you! Ow! No offense.
If you managed to kill them, I assure you that they were not like me. And nothing, nothing like the man loose inside this building.
What're you, president of his fan club?
No... That would be your mother!
What the-
*Right Behind You by Valve Studios Orchestra intensifies*
Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! So listen up, boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today.
This Spy has already breached our defenses...
Sentry down!
You've seen what he's done to our colleagues!
And worst of all, he could be any one of us...
Raus, raus! (gasp) Nein.
He could even be in this very room. He could be you. He could be me. He could even b-
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
What? It was obvious! He's the RED Spy! Watch, he'll turn red any second now. Annnny second... See? Red! Oh wait, that's blood.
So we still got problem...
Big problem...
So, who's ready to go find this Spy?
Right behind you.
(Team Fortress 2 ending flourish plays, with stabs punctuating the beat)
*Petite Chou-Fleur by Valve Studios Orchestra plays*
Ah, ma petite chou-fleur.
(RED Spy walks away with BLU team's intelligence in tow; fade to black)

by ImaginaryNeon (real) November 5, 2022

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I am very uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the studio today

Seriously? The entire phrase has a literal meaning of its own and you just searched if it exists in the Urban Dictionary? NO WAY!

Just kidding:
The meaning is literal. Further, this phrase is commonly used when a video shows something that you TOTALLY didn't expect from the subject within that video.

*A TikTok video with a text saying "showing my gay flat mate my boobs for the first time" with the girl actually showing her boobs to him*

One person in the comments section:
"I am very uncomfortable with the energy we have created in the studio today."

by maxweber27 October 8, 2021

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The Funtime studios

A hunky Egyptian man who has a lot of fans and hot co-workers also nik has a big nose

The Funtime studios is hot

by PuppetMZ July 17, 2022

studio 11

Studio 11 is a menswear retail outlet located in the small, cozy and green town of Junnar. It houses clothing from top international and domestic brands. It's a one-stop fashion store for the local folk.

"OMG! I am so excited to shop at Studio 11 during their winter sale."

"What? You haven't shopped at Studio 11 yet? Get a life man."

by YourSaladBar November 25, 2021

Outcast Studios

A film production company founded by CEO and owner Madzila26 that is on course to become very successful based on what Madzila26 has stated on their streams

Outcast Studios is a really cool company.