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Boner Thought

A thought that seems genius while you are erect, but becomes horrible after climax.

Guy 1: I thought about Skyping my ex and asking to see her butthole again.

Guy 2: Oh my God. Did you?

Guy 1: Nah. It was just a boner thought.

by Esdee Jay-Tee January 20, 2014

The Silly Thought

The Silly Thought is the deity of the Church of The Silly Thought, or Sillythoughtism, a social movement in Hong Kong that promotes a light-hearted view of Hallucinatory Realism and originated in the teaching of intelligent design. According to adherents, Sillythoughtism is a "real, magical religion, in some occurrences has had connections to the concept of magical realism, as much as any other".

If magician can turn your dreams into reality then so can The Silly Thought.

by StopSmoking November 22, 2021

Escalator Thought

An Escalator Thought is an enhanced realization of a previously unexplored idea or concept that is achieved when a person experiences an increase in altitude. Escalator Thoughts can be formed during multiple means of ascending motion, such as via airplane, roller coaster, elevator, running up stairs, and of course, riding an escalator.

Mike: Hey Alexa, you wanna hear an Escalator Thought?
Alexa: Sure, go for it.
Mike: If you fell down an escalator at the same speed it was rising, you would simply fall in place.
Alexa: Woah.

by Vicmik May 5, 2022

Thought of the day

The thought that Big Time Tommy has every day

"How you doin' Instagram it's Big Time Tommy. Here's my thought of the day. Live the best life you can. Haters will hate always. That's what they do. They hate. But you know what? They hate themselves. Live your life and fuck all the haters. That's the old school way. Take it eas'. OS for life."

by big_time_tommy_69 January 7, 2022

Cesar Thought

A random, menacing, and fiendlike thought that may cause harm onto oneself or others.

Guy 1: Wow, what a nice walk in the park.
Guy 2: What if we blew up the moon right now?
Guy 1: Wow, that was a huge Cesar Thought.

by Grape_Frute May 7, 2020

attempted thought

The attempt to provide assistance or concern, without really meaning it or having the intention to follow through. By saying the acceptable or possibly "expected" comment, it removes the temporary guilt, that the speaker feels.

Well, I suppose it's the "attempted thought" that counts! (sarcasm)

by Tiffany Happy Days June 18, 2014

pussy thought

a girl who is scared to do shit and shes a thought

Emily is such a pussy thought she trying to fight Remisha she thought!!

by icy._.queen December 21, 2017