When you have enough money not to work, but have a minimal budget.
A: “I have achieved financial independence!”
B: “ Yeah, independently broke. Enjoy your ramen noodles.”
A group of men who are buzzing ready to whip it out at any moment in time.
Amy: Who did you call to clean the gutters.
Trisha: The Independents got all up in my gutters.
Someone too utterly blind of the realities of the world to actual pick a side, while acting smug about it.
Mary is an independent who weighs all politics equally. She also didnt vote and has no idea who her local rep is.
The term Pedro I of Brazil said after giving a speech that declared the Empire of Brazil's independence. Portuguese: Independência ou Morte
Pedro I: Independência ou Morte! (Independence or Death!)
A holiday that is celebrated in the US and in some other countries on 04 July
I am writing this definition exactly on Independence Day.
Celebrated July 4th
Happy Independence Day
Man standing to pee without holding his penis for best aim.
sense to me.
The sign above toilet in unisex public restroom read “no independent style”.
I was curious and asked my 79 yr old mom and “no hands” was her answer-made sense to me