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Pulling a insert name of some kid

When your playing games in class or watching youtube and a kid named blankyells really loudly why are you watching porn and the teacher looks at you with disappointment and says respect women

yelling something too loud

pulling a insert name of some kid
really loud

by thegreatestkidintheworld69543 February 27, 2018

Insert Name Dictionary

when people refer to a specific name as an entirely different species

insert name dictionary
guy 1: i searched up myself on urban dictionary to see my personality, but it doesn't seem to fit
guy2: are you fucking dumb? the fuck you think U.D is? psychic?

by that random homo sapien March 7, 2020

[Insert politician I dont like here]

A massive deuchebag. Nobody likes them.

1: Insert politician I dont like here is a fucking retard.
2: Agreed.

by SlimyKlerburt December 5, 2020

non-insertive sex

For reason when penis penetration is not done vaginally, orally or anally, but achievement of orgasm is attained by rhythmic rubbing or stroking of penis or vagina through clothing/erotic clothing or other body part of desire.

"non-insertive sex"
Orgasm by repetitive stimulation was achieved through and non- insertive actions.

by Wise Willie November 5, 2015


The bbc method for the term insertation

"he worked very hard on aligning the mirrors in his spectroscopic equipment so he could insertate his sample... But it didn't work and he got no data"

by mamaOmama May 31, 2009

aerial insertion

When you hang from a four post bed and your partner is waiting on the matress with hips arrayed skyward. Careful cause without proper aim it will lead to injury.

I tried an aerial insertion but aimed too high and took a knee in the balls.

by Eldrin86 May 18, 2016

*Insert sarcastic response*

YOU KNOW... You did it to every question I just asked.

Hym "Because you're not actually more mature, you're not more intelligent, and you're not BETTER. Your social skills are what get YOU laid. What gets YOU laid is spreading you legs for every fat cock you meet until you find one that's enough of a loser that he can't trade up. He's a fat cock but you're the best he can do and now I have to sit and listen to *insert sarcastic response* while a finger is wagged at me for BEING RIGHT. Your deserve it every time it happens you piece of shit."

by Hym Iam August 13, 2024