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Intellectually Stupid

When you think your kinda smart but then someone actually smart starts talking and you can feel your IQ drop like a rock.

John opened his mouth again and then I realized I was intellectually stupid

by Snickerdoodling November 30, 2017

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intellectual elitist

One who has background knowledge about a subject and whose claims are supported facts. Those without the necessary and relevant knowledge often claim that those with knowledge are elitists.
The term intellectual elitism has arisen recently with the birth of the reactionary and racist Tea Party, but there has been a growing bias against informed, educated people since Ronald Reagan was the President of the U.S.

Fox entertainment news anchor Glenn Beck believes that everyone with more than a fifth grade education is an intellectual elitist.

by smart_citizen October 17, 2010

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Intellectual masturbation

To engage in a passionate discussion with someone you are feicely sttracted to about a subject that fascinates the pair of you intensely, to the point at which one or both participants become sexually aroused.

S: "Human history is a series of revolutions of the modes of production"
J: "Mmm... Keep talking dialectics to me, I'm almost at full mast"
S: "Go play with your means of reproduction"
J: "This is some intense intellectual masturbation"

by Mr. Comrade July 22, 2015

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intellectual chess

Intellectual Chess is a drunken game which entirely not based upon regular chess. The game involves taking a large knife, spraying the blade with deodorant, setting fire to it, and then throwing it to each other (NB: throwing it to each other, not at each other.) Intellectual Chess has been played only once, and nobody was hurt.

We were drunk enough that we actually played Intellectual Chess last night.

by Aspirex November 17, 2005

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intellectual terrorist

logical activist; one who engages study, reflection, and speculation to overawe adversaries for the purpose of effecting societal change.

Armed with 10,000 internets, intellectual terrorists studiously exposed his slew of logical fallacies, shredding any remaining credibility he had to pull the wool over the public's eyes.

by snow50 March 6, 2015

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intellectual orgasm

Ivoluntary, and prolonged laughter after experiencing a particularly funny joke.

While I had an intellectual orgasm, I missed the rest of the dialogue to the "Political Peasant" sketch. I knew it by heart anyway...

by youdbesoluckytoknowme November 1, 2006

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intellectual grammar

A higher form of grammar which is not totally aligned with the "normal" English language

The English teacher claimed the essay was bad, but the student was simply using intellectual grammar.

by Not Ericc April 25, 2019