Irony is when this website declares in its official content guidelines that "we have a zero tolerance policy for definitions that include hate speech, bullying, or statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others" and then proceeds to approve racist definitions and post them on the website. Great job, you hypocritical pieces of shit.
There is a lot of irony in the approval of the word "Jewed" on Urban Dictionary; it shows a real lack of social intelligence and education on the part of the management team of this website.
Vegans claim to be more environmentally conscious and yet, Vegan leather isn't biodegradable but normal leather is.
There is so much Irony in this in this definition. Its hard to believe that its true.
When a student from an engineering institute uses words like "freedom" in his/her status updates.
Engineering student quoting Bhagat Singh: Freedom is the imperishable birthright of all. Labour is the real sustainer of society.
Teachers & Relatives: Oh, the irony.
a combination of circumstances or a result that is the opposite of what is or might be expected or considered appropriate
The irony of Kanye West supporting Donald Trump is mind blowing
searching for planes in the sea
Matty: "hey man, whatcha up to?"
Adam: "oh you know, just searching for planes in the sea. what about you?"
Matty: "that's irony... me? im just spinning with Charli."
That's just it.
Type an example of how it's used in a sentence... It's just it. Irony.
👮🏿 ♂️
Me: Hey, could you describe the word irony, using emojis?
Her: 👮🏿 ♂️