Lack means that there is less of the thing you are referring to.
I got lack of sleep today so I am really tired
To be a conscientious individual; always vigilant
Yo bruh, no lacking.
Jack-a-lack-a-ding-dong is the hawtest boy you will ever meet. He will make u laugh when u don’t even want to smile, he always knows the right thing to say. And oh man he makes you cumdumpster like CRA cra
Omg jack-a-lack-a-ding-dong made me squirt so much last night
An expression usable by Xbox Live users meaning a gamer who doesn't currently have Xbox Live; usually resulting in angry friends.
Derrick: Why has Rick not been playing Halo 3 for the past four days with us?
Gerald: He's renting a new apartment, so he found paying for Live pointless.
Derrick: Ha, he better not be Live Lacking for long. He's ou best sniper.
A beautiful woman who is very attractive that lacks the physical feature of eyebrows, hence the name ''lack luster''. She lights up a whole room as she walks in eyebrowless.
HOLY JET LEG! you see the overlappage on lack luster over there?
A common phrased used in aviation test reporting to properly denote a deficiency.
“The lack of a coffee brewer and lavatory will cause crew discomfort and will result in operator fatigue.”
It means, "how much do you have remaining?"
If you're waiting on someone to do something, you may ask them this to get an idea of how much longer it will take for them to complete their work.
In the Southern United States, the word "like" will be used in place of "lack"; see: "How much you like?"
John: I can't come over until I've finished painting my fence.
Mary: How much you lack?
John: I'm nearly done. I have about 30 minutes left.