Someone who flaunts their linguistic skills around when they're flirting or having an interesting conversation.
Ya lyublyu tebya, mi amore. Voulez vouz coucher avec moi, ce soir?" "You are such a language whore, Teo."
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Latin and German's weird uncle
The English language is a combination of Latin, German, French and Greek.
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Homework usually set by language teachers that most people don't give a crap about.
Teacher- Okay students, today's homework is language perfect.
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A secret language based around the core word "ner" which appears in all the other words of the language. Only computer geeks, close friends, and true lovers can use/decipher this language.
neir nelr neor nevr neer neyr neor neur = I love you in "the ner language"
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Depending on your teacher, can be one of the most exciting classes, or the most painful. Can help you realise talents you would never have known you had otherwise. Also one of the easiest classes to goof off in. Most of the time spent in LA class is having group conversations with the entire class to share opinions and have fun.
Fun language arts class
Teacher: I'd like you to write me an essay on something you are interested in, to sort of share a piece of your world with the class.
Boring language arts class
Teacher: we are going to have a long conversation about how to write differet types of poetry then practice writing formal letters for the next three classes.
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Bubble-fubble labble-fanguage ibble-fis ablefay grayble-fayt wayble-fay tooble-foo ibble-firritate rebble-felatives abblefand teable-feachers. Ibblefit ibblefis toble-fotally cubble-fustomible-fizable.
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When you are talking, then you switch to a random language in the middle of a sentence.
(The word "Language" can be replaced by whatever language you switch to. For example: Spanish Spasm)
Guy 1: That Math test was so hard...
Guy 2: Yeah! I think that class is no bueno.
Guy 1: Dude, stop it with the spanish.
Guy 2: Sorry it's just a Language Spasm.