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literally me

me (:

Who's there?
Literally me, shut up

by JamesNotBetter March 20, 2022

14πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

literal quarter

only used when talking about time. instead of "quarter till" meaning 15 minutes till, it's "literal quarter till" meaning 25 minutes till

Bob: How much longer till class is over?
Gary: We've got a literal quarter till.

by Jonathan β€œJohnny” Jones February 3, 2010

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

literal asshole

Austin fucking Parker

β€œDon’t ss my shit”
*ss my shit*
Me: you’re a literal asshole
Him: you’re welcome

by Boothang3482 February 22, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

chills, literal chills

The sentence said by Jake in Brooklyn Nine-Nine ( Jake makes the criminals sing )

It is better than original version lol jk

Jake : Now number five!
Criminal 5 : I never wanna hear you say
All : I want it that way
Jake : Ahh chills, literal chills

That girl : It was number five. Number five killed my brother.
Jake : oH mY GoD, I forgot that part.

by noobies97 October 5, 2019

46πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

literal u-turn

Doing something insane for a guy you have a crush on, specifically a Mr. Struggle (someone who is often late, watches pornography, or spends too much money). It is something only done by ungodly, guy-obsessed women/teens.

Girl 1: Remember when we saw your crush in that restaurant during high school? You were crazy for him!
Girl 2: Oh my gosh yes! We were pulling literal u-turns!
Girl 1: Haha yes back in the old days.
Girl 2: Hahahaha back in the old days hahahahahahha.

by Mr. Struggle April 27, 2020

Literally anything else

When you're watching porn or something else you dont want people seeing, and you hear someone coming, so you need to Google literally anything else, but you panic and can't think of anything, so you actually Google "Literally anything else"

My dad was really confused on why I had Google'd "Literally anything else, but after a minute he said goodnight and went to bed. So I went back to watching porn.

by B-Money Baby April 17, 2019

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

your literally hitler

Often used when your freind or some guy in a xbox party tries to get you to do something but you say no

Guy 1:ayo bro lets hop on warzone

Guy 2:nah i dont feel like it
Guy 1:if you dont your literally hitler

Guy 2 looks like im hitler than

by Thismofo79 March 3, 2022

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