If you ever come across a Maddie, start planning your exit. She is the most hypocritical bitch out there. She thinks she is right when she is constantly contradicting herself. She also pissed the bed as a child. Her breath smells like throw up and you constantly catch her with an attitude or being rude to her amazing siblings. She is so toxic that she will leave you at the train station and she won’t even know what she did wrong. She is so up herself. I think it is safe to say that she is possibly the most simplest girl out there
Maddie you can’t just leave me at the train station. Shut-up Maddie, your breath smells too.
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Gerard looks like a deranged kitten.
Maddie means Gerard.
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Maddie is the most amazing girl you will ever meet! She is sweet and funny but also crazy and outgoing! She can sometimes be a bit of a b*tch! She is beautiful and a wonderful person to be around. Whenever she is there there will always be a big smile on your face! She tries to do her eyebrows even though she doesn’t have to and she sometimes doesn’t believe in her beauty! She just is so pretty and you will always be friends! xxx
Oh crap, she’s doing a Maddie!
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A girl who wants to date everyone in the school and fuck everyone. She dates a guy for a week then breaks up with him and go to the next one. She flirts with everyone. And she try’s to make her ex’s jealous but it doesn’t work.
Guy 1: do you want to go out with me?
Maddie: yeah
Guy 2: do you want to go out with me?
Maddie: yes
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A selfish bitch who only cares about herself.
Maddie is punching kids harder and harder.
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Is a jerk who thinks she can get any guy she wants. She’s mean to everyone and is very annoying. She needs to get a life.
1:Have you heard of Maddie
2: ya she’s a hoe
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She seems to be a hoe, however she is a very sweet, loyal, and caring person who will do anything that she possibly can to make you happy. You always need one of these in you life.
“Hey dude look at Maddie over there” “Shes so beaufitul”
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