He is one of the most loyal friend one can ever have, he is so much popular in girls.
His soulmate will be blessed to have him
Coz every girl deserves a Manas in her life.
Am glad to have a Manas in my life
Indian boy name that means Mind, Soul, Brilliant, Spiritual thought, Heart intellect, Desire, Human being, Latin Manus is translated as hand, Insight, Cheerfulness, Mind, Wise, Powers, To think
My name is Manas
A name given to an inferior Indian men. They usually have below-average intelligence and penis size.
Damn bro the way you are acting I could have sworn your name is Manas
Manas is a nice, quiet guy who will be with you through thick and thin. He is a handsome guy who gets along with almost anyone. The go to person for memes, dark humor and when you need someone to listen. He is crazy about his doggos and never likes to talk about himself. All Blue is his standard uniform and is like a little
kid at times. He's also an exceptionally cute drunk and a chimken lover.
He is Manas alright. Can't hide the emo!
You scored a Manas!
Everybody loves Manas!