ba ba bba baba babah bababa baba
banananananaaaaaaaaaaaa bunannananananananana minion
some random normie on facebook shit that your grandparents,aunts & mom find hilarious
person1;Why is your mom laughing?
person2:My mom just saw a minion meme today
person1:Oh,right my grandma thinks these are hilarious when in reality its just plain dumb
A Trump Minion is nothing more than a yes person, a shameless, poorly educated servant to Donald J Trump.
Who are those people behind that fence wearing red hats and shamelessly draped in the American flag, oh you mean the Trump Minions
Minion Tampons: Typically store bought from an average grocer. EG: Walmart.
Is this a joke? MINION TAMPONS? FUCKING- Minion Tampons? Cus' yeah. You're BLEEDING against your own will. So why don't you just shove a FUCKING MINION UP YOUR VAGINA?
The school of thought that writing movies for children requires no effort; named for the infamous 'Despicable Me' film series. Films made under the principals of Minionism typically are poorly written, very derivative, sloppily animated/filmed, and/or overblown with dated pop culture references.
"I was thinking of renting 'Ugly Dolls' for my little cousins."
"Don't do it, that movie just stinks of Minionism!"
Brothers by blood lovers by choice
your my little minion lover