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When your trying to win the I love you most thing and they say mostest isn’t a word…now it is beeach -my girlfriend

Lover 1:I love you
Lover 2:I love you more

Lover 1: I love you most
Lover 2:I love you mostest
Lover 1: Mostest isn’t a word
Lover 2:*Pulls up urban dictionary* oh yeah?

by Liptonteabag December 20, 2022


the most

i am the mostest best at sexing

(made by v1du$h1)

by the yeetsman September 24, 2021


more than most

while kellyn loves sof most, sof loves kellyn mostest

by mostestisaword January 20, 2018


More than the word most

Wow ! She really does love Jordan mostest

by 404904 November 10, 2019


Mostest is the word that tops “most” in all situations.

2. A great deal of whatever

Dan told Alison he loves something the mostest which completely wrecked her “most” or someone tells you “I love you most “ and you respond “I love you mostest” you win

by Space Dani November 3, 2017


More than most

I love you the mostest

by Sol Osuna May 9, 2024


More than the most

I love you the most” “well I love you the mostest

by Hu mungus June 29, 2022