Source Code

West Paterson, NJ

A town in Passaic County (meaning North NJ) next to a ghetto town called Paterson. Paterson used to be nice, but then a lot of hispanics and negative-charged people moved in giving it and WEST Paterson a bad name. Paterson people think WP is lame or boring b/c its pretty safe and relativly friendly.

A lot of Paterson people move to W.Paterson when they get enough money to move into the apartments (that are ratehr going downhill) and enroll their kids in WP schools (or enroll when they are still in Paterson).

If you call West Paterson 'Paterson' a lot of people (especially older, lifelong residents) will get pissed and correct you since WP isn't a ghetto full of gangs, drugs but families, some of whom have been there for a long time.

My friend in town recently told me they voted to change the name to Woodland Park or soemthing with the initals WP to try and knock-off the confusion.

WP also has the same area-code as Little Falls (another next-door town) so along with Paterson, some people mistake WP for Little Falls, but that isn't nearly as bad since LF is also a nice little town with a cutesy little waterfall which stems its name.

My grandparents hate when people mistake West Paterson for Paterson.

PatersonKid: Ahhh man. Dis town is like...so got-damn lame!
WPkid: Don't you belong in Paterson??

West Paterson, NJ is a pretty nice place to grow up.

by JerseyGirlHereToStay December 24, 2008

38πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Summit NJ

A micro-climate that seems to breed hipsters.

Person 1: Hey you wanna go to Summit NJ?

Person 2: Nah, too mainstream

by mushimushilobsterface May 10, 2012

3πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

East Hanover, NJ

A small town in Northern New Jersey where everybody knows everybody. Full of PROUD Italian guidos & guidettes. We go to the greatest high school in NJ (Hanover Park) and have some of the best pizzerias and delis in East Hanover. Everyone wants to live here.

Isn't that reality star from East Hanover, NJ ?

by New Jerzzzzzz July 28, 2017

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Florham Park, NJ

A fricken awesome town in New Jersey. Lots of hot girls and of course hot boys. For all of you in East Hanover thinking that your better than us, you should probably shut up!

That girls hot... duhh she's from Florham Park, NJ

by Florham Park<33 December 24, 2010

28πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

East Brunswick, NJ

A town in Central Jersey full of rich people. Home to those who believe that they can be ghetto and cool. East Brunswick believes they're better than the other Brunswicks for some unknown reason. The school system is complicated and consists of a Junior Highschool that throws everything out of proportion for the neighboring towns. Strange enough, with all the jocks and wannabe gangsters, East Brunswick ranks 71 in the top highschools of New Jersey. This is probably due to the high Asian and Indian population. The town also known for it's large Jewish and Italian population aswell. The East Brunswick mall is full of teenagers that " scare the living shit out of me". They dress like their all skater. They all shop at Zumies, which is nice since Zunies has cool clothing. They all wear expensive cologne too. The skaters also take pride in teh fact that the can jerk (dance).The mall is also where teenage girls go with their friends to buy really obcene clothing. However the girls ( if they ever learn to cover up) will look really pretty. The guys are known to be pretty hott in East Brunswick. Even though people complain that East Brunswick is stupid, people come to hang out at the mall or destroy property for no reason. With the most steriotypical higschool ( like the one you might see in Mean Girls) East Brunswick is quite a wannabe town.

Go to East Brunswick, NJ and get an example.......................duhhhhhhhhh
example of a regular conversation in East Brunswick, NJ
The Wh***s in EB: sure!!!!!!!!
The select cool few: no... just no
The gays: of course!

ps- i can curse, i just wanted to make this appropriate for any stupid 10 year old who listened to their friend in fifth grade who told them to look up East Brunswick in the Urban Dictionary. I bet you little fifth graders who want to be cool will now go and look up sex.............CHILDREN THESE DAYS!!!!!!!! Go do your homework!!!!!!

by The_Magnificent&The_Great December 15, 2011

15πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Glen Garner, NJ

A small mountain town near Califon. Scenic with car racing meetups across the street from Ono Rosa pub.

Glen Garner, NJ is a cozy town no one knows about.

by Counteridiocy September 10, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

JAMS Edison NJ

A place infested by a bunch of indian idiots. The only things we excel at are chess and math competitions because I think this school is the most un athletic school in NJ. Our hallways are so crowded and smell absolutely horrendous. Nobody wears deodorant and they all smell like curry.

Mom, β€œCome on beta lets go to JAMS Edison NJ”

Child, β€œnoooo it so stinky and to many curry munchers are there πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­β€

by not cpy November 9, 2023

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