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Negative Nancy

1.(n) A debby downer
2.(n) A person who's named Nancy and automatically get's offended by the useas an expression

Person1: let's go shopping!

Person2: No I don't wanna...

Person1: Man, you're such a negative Nancy!

Nancy: Hey what do you have against me!! I'm not negative!!! Geeze!!!

Person1+2: ......... Sorry.....

by dgrayman March 4, 2010

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nancy grace

Nancy Grace is an anchor for CNN. She has spent her life hunting down the "bad guys" which is the reason for her masculine behaviors. She is an extreme feminist and butch. She is passionate about her work and will not stop until justice is served. She has often been parodied as a man in many tv shows.

Hi, im nancy grace, i have a penis!

by kevin1234 April 23, 2006

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fag nancy

a fag that is also a fairy
a super gay guy

jayde bro your such a fag nancy

by reid ye ye May 12, 2006

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Aunt Nancy

A turn-of-the-century mixed drink recently repopularized by John Gruber, host of the podcast The Talk Show and creator of the website Daring Fireball. The drink contains Makers Mark, ginger ale, and a shitload of cherries. Traditionally, the drink is then garnished with a chicken wing (with or without dressing) and a cocktail sword full of Mentos (or another soft candy, such as Starburst).

After a long day at the office, I needed to relax with a big Aunt Nancy.

by ogsrotag February 13, 2018

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nancy weiner

A sorry little bitch who shouldn't teach a class that she has no experience with.

Fricken Nancy Weiner.

by kstov November 26, 2017

Social Nancy

A social Nancy is a negative online Nancy.
A person who doesn't necessarily post negative things often. A person who scrolls past your positive or normal posts, always. But reacts to posts they choose to be negative and accuse you of being miserable and wrong.

Negative online Nancy's choose to ONLY give your social media account attention; likes and comments- when it's negative because it serves them a purpose to preach and be "right".

"I didn't even know you were on my friends list because of how you never like or comment on any of my posts. You're being a Social Nancy right now tho."

by enough_of_you March 22, 2017

Nancy Elsner

Nancy Elsner is MY wife from the song by Ghost and Pals 'housewife radio'. She's my wife cause she's pretty and beautiful and nice ๐Ÿ˜Š

Nancy Elsner is a pretty lady

by Sophie Waltens bbg July 19, 2023