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a cool guy, but still a simp. funny but sometimes crazy. he’s attractive but not the style of anyone. has a crush on everyone he’s seen in the street.

nikolas is pretty cool, but not my type...
i love him, he’s perfect but too protective.

by elisaelica September 23, 2020


the big fortnite

fort nikolas

by kyramillerabitch March 5, 2022


Wee cunt that thinks he knows tf he’s on about football. Calls others plastic fans as he’s trying to hide that he’s one himself

Stfu Nikolas

by Shehwh hencndbe May 29, 2021


Nikola is a cool, lovely and adorable person. He always makes you smile even if u dont feel like it. If he is in ur life once, u dont wanna lose him. And He is a really attractiv person.

„I loveeee nikola, he is just soooo kind“

by Betteerthanu November 21, 2021


Real street nigga, a sex machine with a gigantic dick that will destroy anyone. Having anal sex will literally tear your ass apart. So hide your moms and sisters because he is coming!!!

Oh look its Real nigga, lets give him blowjob.

Look Nikola is coming hold your anus.

by November 22, 2021


Nikola is a sweet, humble human. They’re so kind and selfless. They care for their friends and are so very creative. Their love is endless; they never forget to ask about how your day has been. They will always be there for you and somehow know how to do that little thing that makes your heart shimmer. <3

Friend: “Do you have any ibfs?”
Me: “Yes. His name is Nikola and he is an angel.”
Friend: “Dang I wish I had friends like him.”

by nikolasbaestie April 9, 2021


A guy with a unqiue awesome name. People confuse it for a girls name but they are seen as losers. These dudes get girls easily and get pull anyone.

Guy 1: She is so hot, check her out
Guy 2: Damn, Nikola is already making a move
and Nikola has got with her

by godfreypizza April 22, 2020