Mind Five is simply a High Five from a distance or when you can't use your hands for a High Five
The Background of this consept is from my workingplace, i am an carpenter and once me and my workbuddy would take a high five but he was on the roof and i was downstairs so we managed to find up Mind Five
If you and your buddy stands on each sides on a road and wanna do a high five but cant because the distance is to long, take up your hand and make it look like you ar saying Mind Five with your mouth.
Here is a video but this is not the actual mind five:
Only specially trained designers obsessed with a popular TV show know how to tell whether or not someone is mind lying. The design labs are full of mind liars.
Lie detector: *observes obvious mind lie* "Mind liar!"
Mind Liar: "Oh, balls, you caught me!"
A pump similar to an erection or muscular pump, but of the mind. This is typically due to a drastic shift in paradigm or a mind blowing experience.
I got a wicked mind pump after listening to that podcast about fitness and nutrition.
when you're so bored or so annoyed that your brain literally shuts down for a little nap.
listening to that George W. Bush speech put me into mind-nap mode.
see: borogant
a virulent form of mental & emotional manipulation. a gathering, event, experience, activity, and/or groupthink where psychological manipulation & abuse, intending to mess up a person(s) clear thought process to convince or brainwash them into accepting and acting upon the perpetrator's agenda, that often works against their own best interest while convincing them otherwise. Twisting a person(s) thought processes and beliefs, and /or convincing them of something totally different than what they previously thought or believed. Misleading and deceiving a person(s), convincing them of something totally different than what the real agenda is, leading them to take certain actions they would not take under normal circumstances. A form of gaslighting.
The political primaries are a mind-fuckingfest of the American people.
n. various notes, ideas, sketches, etc. jotted down in a random and disorderly manner
While waiting for the next train, I was jotting down stuff in my notebook, such as a grocery list, song ideas, happy faces, and other mind graffiti.
The cleansing utility used to clean and/or remove something from the mind.
My eyes, they burn!
I think i need some Mind Soap from watching 2 Girls 1 cup!
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