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Mr. Nod

A faggot in my political science class that wears a fucking 7-up jacket all the time, and nods every 2.5 seconds even when he has no fucking clue what the fuck is going on. In reality he is drawing fucked up medieval maps that look like they would come from the fucking lords of the rings series. His hobbies are to flirt with this fat chick everyday b4 class and to sit at home and watch the political debates and join in on the daily circle jerks at the infamous frat house ATO.

Damn son Mr. Nod is at it again. He is nodding to the professor and Jacking off Mr. ATO at the same damn time!!!

by cody24536 February 4, 2008

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Nod of Acknowledgement

That look you give your Homeboy, with one eyebrow slightly raisedjust, after someone said something incredible stupid and doesn't even know it didn't make a bit of sense.

I guess we'll just have to give that dumbass boss of ours a sincere Nod of Acknowledgement... so we can keep our jobs.

by Toekneebend August 2, 2016

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Sup nod

a nod that gives encouragement and/or utter embarassment to the recipient. these nods orientated from ancient indian folk-law and may be used for any occassion. The "can i have your number nod" and the "i really don't care about the troubles in your life nod" are seen to be the most popular of this kind.

Mary passed Cory in the corridor they both exchange the sup nod, before clearing off

by LOL ur gay November 16, 2010

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NOD Theory

NOD Theory was created by an individual during a lecture at University of Canberra. This individual was bored with the content of the lecture and decided to spend the rest of his time picking up chicks, this is how the Nod Theory was created.

The Nod Theory is when you make an eye connection with an attractive young female, look at them for several minutes indicating you attraction, while having a smooth and sexual smile on your face. You later make a second connection with the female and give her the "Nod" indicating, How you doing? Im into you, lets chat!

Bro you know that hot chick in Organisation Performance, i gave her the "Nod" from the NOD Theory Doji created and she was all over me after class.

by *Mad-Maco* August 11, 2009

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bald guy nod

The brotherly bond of baldness that two bald strangers have, the nod that they give each other almost telekinetically saying "I see you there bro, I know how it be".

I had a bad day and was walking home when a stranger gave me the bald guy nod. Suddenly, I knew everything was going to be alright.

by Handle already in aaaa June 19, 2020

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Peruvian Head Nod

after waving at her, a peruvian woman at the mall will nod in approval at you.

Gavy-Dude thats my Aunt! *waves*
Peruvian woman-*Peruvian Head nods in approval*
Cameron-Dude its the peruvian head nod!!

by PonyBoy281 June 22, 2011

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Wink, Cocky Nod and Point

Makes 12 year old girls scream when Justin Bieber does it.

Not appropriate for anyone over 17, downright creepy if the W-CN&P is done by anyone over 21.

My uncle gave me the Wink, Cocky Nod and Point, so I had him arrested for molesting me, it felt right.

by Spanks Johnson March 6, 2011

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