when a man inserts his penis into another mans anus and the other man farts with the power to feel like a vibrator
yo he gave me the stinky vibrator and i nutted instantly
When grandma gets a bit too bored in the nursing home
"Grandma, I got you a new present! It's the new elder vibrator!"
When your almost for certain that you’ve found the frequency you have been searching for, to the point you stand off set take things slow and analyze the very story to unfold, although when you feel vibrational breakthrough. Your almost 100 % certain your going to give your partner in the vibe the most wildest sensation of sexual intamicy they have ever experienced to the point they crave your very taste and smell you and get horny and any random acasion afterwards.
Man she’s so incredible she makes my genitalia throb with vibration breakthrough
When you are so deeply into the vibes or just a lil high that you feel your body vibrating.
“Dude im vibing like a vibrator right now”
When you and your bestie have matching hot pink vibrators
Did you hear that Layne and Harley are vibrator besties
yoo richard have some good vibration on him, love hanging out w him!
a piece of paper that one reads in the morning that has a positive quote
"hey Eddie read a good vibration"
*Eddie reads* weetbix and rice