This is something that Kevahs say when she can't come up with a snappy comeback.
Mom: "Kevah, did you brush your teeth?"
Kevah: "Not yet, why?"
Mom: Your breath smells like the dog farted in your mouth."
Kevah: "And I oop."
A word when someone does something wrong or they like to pretend they are a vsco girl, a cringy one
AND I OOP, I’m so cool totally
And I oop- Started out as a simple meme that later on got stolen by the vsco tik tok girls. They use the term Adn I oop When they make a mistake, mostly followed by "sksksksksksk"
vsco girl*drops HydRoFlasK*
vsco girl And I oop- sksksksksks
boy Wtf is wrong with you
When you lost your food you say and I oop I lost my food
And I oop I lost my food outside.
"Sksksk" Is how a VSCO girl laughs.
"And I oop-" Uses a VSCO girl when they drop something/messed something up.
AKA: If you use these words, please stop. It makes me want to choke on a metal straw.
You: Oh, sorry for dropping your Hydroflask.
VSCO girl: Sksksk, and I oop-
You: I have a scrunchie or two.
VSCO girl: Sksksksks! You ain't a real VSCO girl! Sksksk, and I oop-
A term 13y/o VSCO girls with oversized shirts or hoodies with the smallest pair of Nike Fitness yoga pants with their hydroflask and checkered vans and their checkered iPhone case to say towards an unfunny joke that their dumbass friends say, to make them seem more to "internet trends" but the thing that they're following is some retarded shit that they'll mostly forget
Dumbass friend: *tells unfunny joke*
VSCO girl: "and i oop skskskskss *drops hydroflake with iPhone* and i OOP-"