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Quad pod

A group of four people that are best friends and support each other through each leg.

ayyy what's up quad pods!

by theone1231 January 23, 2018

Tide Pods

Something that due to a meme became us very stupid challenge that a lot of kids are eating as of the year 2018

Sorry kids if you eat Tide Pods you're not going to enjoy it it's actually going to be ending up you in the hospital getting your stomach pumped if you honestly wanted to kill yourself just do the classic cut yourself with a knife or start a fire and jump in it

by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 February 25, 2018

Tide Pods

Just don't eat it.

"I'm gonna do the Tide Pod Challenge!"

"Don't eat Tide Pods!!"

by BaconBytesYT April 15, 2019

2👍 1👎

Tide Pods

Tide Pods are made to wash dirty clothes. There has been a recent spike in popularity for them for the infamous Meme around it. The meme is where you say you want to eat it. The meme has even gotten to the point where people die from digesting a bleach-filled packet.

Don't eat Tide Pods they can kill you.

by Millenidumb February 2, 2018

Tide Pods

A tasty snack that helps with all your problem, commonly found in the cleaning section.

I wanna die, anyone got a tide pods?

by crybabybitchh February 5, 2018

Cum Pod

When you take a tide pod And put it up your ass so far that you jizz laundry detergent.

Damn bro I really miss that cum pod

by Daddy short dick Nate October 15, 2019

pod slap

A forceful slap with the palm of one's hand aimed at a malfunctioning Ipod with the hopes of electronic resurrection. The slap can be landed either full frontal or laterally and should not be confused with a pimp slap or a banana slap.

When the groove killer at the Apple store told me that my Ipod needed a new hard drive, I pod slapped it and booyah, my music started flowin' and everything was groovetastic.

by 74ghia April 7, 2006