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Bro Pride

The pride you have for your bros that is alike to the pride a father has for his child, except that the pride is from one bro to another.

β€œHey bro, did you hear about how our bro got all-state in basketball? I have a lot of bro pride for him.”

by captainkhan November 6, 2017

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Fat Pride

A group of obese people (ussually women) who don't find the need to push past their overwhelming medical condition and decide that they will just sequenster themselves in safe spaces or echo chamers where all they tell themselves is that their fat folds are beutiful

Person 1: Im part of the fat pride movement, there is nothing wrong with me, but with society
Person 2: So you aren't even going to try and lose weight

by pp poopoo check drop the pants February 1, 2021

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Pride month

Pride month is a β€œholiday” to celebrate the lgbtq+ community and our history and all that we’ve achieved for the past decades a lot of people go to pride parades to celebrate or do something at home

Random gay: it’s finally pride month I can’t wait to go to a pride parade :D

Random straight: where’s the straight month?

by Snake uwu May 4, 2020

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brown pride

It is the same as Mexican Pride.

My homies always wear logos that say "Brown Pride".

by Gio February 28, 2005

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Gay pride

Gay pride was an event where gay people would parade in front of the car wash so the soap swirls would make a rainbow on their clothes. Apparently was cancelled due to sexual harassment constituents by illegal aliens wielding lye solvent.

Gay pride was cancelled and better luck next time.

by bushlight June 24, 2021

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Strip Pride

A short midget bitch with a dike haircut who strolls around the campus of MU looking for drunk guys to attempt to have sex with. Once their buddy's find out they were victim to this this midget bitch, their pride is forever stripped.

It is rare to see sightings of this unique creature.

When you see this creature you have to yell in her face "STRIP PRIDE".

She used to be sighted at Georges,"THE VU", and random kegger parties off of the campus of MU. It is a mystery if this midget bitch is still alive today. If you see her yell in her face "STRIP PRIDE!"

Look, it's "STRIP PRIDE"

OMG - I seen "STRIP PRIDE" last night

by DAGOWOP October 9, 2008

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afghan pride...i wouldnt mess with it,its the afg reputation for all afgz !!!! so haterz fuck off!!!

Omid keep up the Afg-Pride!!!

by Homayra June 7, 2006

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