A stumble and rumble is an activity for gentlemen who engage in a game of Stumble Guys. The player who finishes in last place is required to watch the other guys whilst they view a porn video, strictly not being allowed to see the screen themselves. No self pleasuring is permitted at any time from any stumblers. The video must be stopped at the first sight of vaginal penetration.
We had a quiet one at the apartment last night, a few us played a quick stumble and rumble then went to bed.
im back but who fucking cares also uh a very fucking overrated game
random rumble is overrated
When you get belly rumbles/ pains which usually occur before you need a poo.
When your poop is in process of exiting the anus.
Awww I’ve got proper shit rumbles
When you have diarrhea and your stomach gurgles as a sign you're running out of time and have to get to a toilet ASAP.
Similiar to the Death Rattle, however instead of a it being death that awaits, its a life threatening toilet experience
Oh god im getting the shit rumble dear God help me
Similiar to a death rattle, shit rumble is when your stomach gurgles when you have diarrhea, as a threat to find the nearest toilet before you run out of time and your asshole betrays you.
I just got the shit rumble, im afraid for my life
A jordan Rumbles is one of the greatest guys you’ll ever meet. He is kind, loving, patient and trustworthy. He will always keep your secrets, and drive you to work when your car decides not to work.
He is hard working, he doesn’t take the easy way out because he knows it’ll all be worth it in the end. He only has a small circle of friends who he trusts and absolutely adores.
He inspires you to do better, to be better.
He has an amazing sense of humor, it’s so good that you continue to be friends after he rejects you the first time you tried to kiss him. He has cute fluffy blonde hair and adorable freckles on his nose!
Jordan Rumbles is a good listener, he is always there. He is my best friend. You’d do anything for a Jordan Rumbles..
Jordan Rumbles is the perfect example of a great man.