sawyer is manly. he is the most perfect man on the planet, with a perfect smile and the perfect height. super fun to be with and really athletic. he has a sensitive personality if you get to know him and will always put his friends first.
he is such a sawyer
The best boyfriend ever will never cheat and is very sweet. Also a really good friend. They are very funny people and big time joksters.
Person 1: You see that guy over there?
Persons: Yeah he is laughing with his buddy he must be a Sawyer
An amazing yet slightly insane man that is wise beyond his years, beautiful beyond mortal comprehension, unimaginably strong and athletic, and superior to all mortal beings. He is obsessed with guns and fighting. His chosen sports are martial arts, unconventional combat, looking amazing, working out, and American Football.
Sawyer is amazing.
a selfish guy who calls girls the b word
Sawyer: you're a bitch
girl: ...
girl2: wtf Sawyer
Sawyers are very talkative and like to make lots of friends. They have a good sense of humor but often take their jokes too far. Often called annoying for this.
Sawyer went to get his car washed.
Sawyer ate 4 bags of Skittles.