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Scene is basically the new emo, but its much "cooler" and the music a lot heavier.
Whilst before the emo kids may have worn their wool sweaters, stripey polo shirts, torn jeans, sports jackets etc, its become a lot more fashioncore. Unlike emo kids, scene kids aren't nerdy as such but very image conscious. Tight trousers/pants/jeans, random underground band t-shirts tightly fitting in black or bright pink, converse of some sort and long black fringes covering the eyes. Scene guys are becoming more girly with their girl pants and tee's in girly colours. They also wear tons of eye make-up to add to the "original" look which is actually SO unoriginal.
These kids must fit into the "scene" and have the latest most unusual band tee or wacky hair cut.
Music is often metalcore/hardcore/grind with as much screaming as possible. Emo's suck to them, they like the "heavy shit" and are often obsessed with ninja's and "ninja dancing" at gigs. These guys only talk to people like them who are in the "scene" and are very narrow minded about music and fashion. The girls are always trying to find a new abstract item to add to their wardrobe and be trend setters such as a little pony badge or their sisters pink head band, how fucking cute.

You will send a friend request to a scene kid on myspace. The chances are if you don't have a "fash" hair cut and the right bands they won;t give you a second look. blates.

Screen name: <<-~xdon'txletxmexdiexnotxtonightx~->>

by becs July 10, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


-choppy hair
-crazy panels of random colors in their hair
-like bands for the popularity
-pounds of mac makeup and eyeliner
-obsessed with guns, little boy t-shirts, dinosaurs, robots, ninjas, pirates, shows, taking pictures.
-they've got the "angles"
-smoke for the rebelousness of it, dubbed fashion smokers
-take smoking pictures to look "bad ass"
-ballet flats
-tight jeans
-polka dots
-goes to shows all the time
-lip peircings
-septum peircings
-monroe piercings
-perals and bigs jewelry galore
-stupid screen names
-they all have myspaces with a million friends
-say stupid stuff like kaythanksbye

dinos go roar: OMG are you lyke are you going to the show tonight?!?!
ninja 4 life: hell yes i'm going. i wouldn't be cool if i didn't
dinos go roar: lyke i know girly!! geesh so i herd lyke that one band is playing with the hot singer.
ninja 4 life: omg i love them. lyke whats their name again?!
dinos go roar: who cares at least we can say we saw them :
ninja 4 life: i know. lyke all those kids are going to be so jealous
dinos go roar: i hope we go into the mosh pits and get lyke tons and tons of bruises to show off
ninja 4 life: lyke i know. OMG!!! well see you at the show LOVE U
dinos go roar: gosh we are oh so scene! lyke love you too girl. kay byeee <333

by jesssiee July 19, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž



Scene Girl:

Shops at hot topic buying band t-shirts.

Wheres tiars, and little plaid school girl outfits, adn bows in her hair.

Only listens to hardcore music.

Skanks with her friends to senses fail.

spends friday nights at the mall swearing at people.

Normaly has a myspace display name like "Beautifuly Broken"

Scene guy:

Has a myspace picture with all his black hair in his face.

Calls himself "The emo guy"

Wheres really tight girl pants, and a trucker cap

Scene gir: Lyk omfg I am not scne ughh! Just because I wear bows in my hair and plaid school girl mini skirts, doesn't mean I am scene!!!

Scene guy: stfu blog it on myspace bitch!

Scene girl: Awwwwww' so sweet shove it up ur ass if you can get it between those girl pants!!!

Scene girl: Ugh omfg! what ever

by I_rock_your_sox_ December 17, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Concited snobs!! They are into alot of fashion. They dress in lace, seven jeans, shop atexpress, etc. Most of the time they look like they walked out of Urban Outfitters. Have their hair cut choppy, and messy. They dont listen to much hardcore, but lots of indie such as BRIGHT EYES and such. They think they are the best thing that ever walked on earth, and have so sence of humor nor do they have good personalities. They dont like to associate with others, and get caught up in their own world.And they also Type weird.

"OH EM GE!! Did chu hear the new Bright Eyes cd? Gosh, it'sh so wundurrful!"

by Ashlie May 5, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


-dinosaur loving, myspace worshiping, cam whoring, shallow, waste of life on the face of the earth kid.
-says phrases like "omgz im so hardxcore"
-adds a z after everything.

-claims to start every single trend.
-an "uncomformist" even though there are a bajillion scene kids

-posts bulletins begging for comments on all 40 of their pics that are all taken in the dark, from an angle, wearing a butt load of makeup,or attempting to look emo (on myspace)

see emo scene kid

SCENE KID 1- "omgsh. did you see that? she had on silver eyeshadow! i started that! now im gunna hafta do something else because im such an uncomformist!"

by Asheli April 2, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A more glamorous version of emo who are most often arrogant.Gets all there clothes from primark or steals them.The girls hair style is usually backcombed at the back giving the effect of being draged through a bush.Laughs at emos even though they all use to be one,usually has really bad hair extentions.Call chavs even though there are one of the nearest things to them.Wear to much make-up.

Scene kiddie no 1"look at that emo there they all deserve to die"

Me "Didn't you use to be emo?"

by Michelle 92 June 20, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


There are scene males and scene females.

males - faggots, who are HIV Positive.

females - faggots, who are HIV Positive.

Scene - (n) - Faggots, who are HIV Positive.

Scene Male: "Hey, The Devil Wears Prada and Chiodos are playing this friday!!!"


Outcome: Both Scene Male and Scene Female were furiously stabbed in the neck and chest region while waiting outside of the vendor by a couple of Seventh Star Fans who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

by Slipppp! July 11, 2008

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