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slipknot are depressing queer shits who cant evan show there faces in public and anybody who listens to them is gay .their music is for middle class yuppy kids who r trying to be rebelios b cease there daddy fucked them when they were babys

mommy can i get the new slipknot album pleez or im going to hang myself ok theres a thousand bucks pocket money

by STEPHO July 7, 2003

23๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


To tragically change one's style, normally involving adding or removing instruments, styles of play, and content of lyrics. A good example is: "Hey guys! Lets sing some gay songs with acoustic guitars for our new album! And lets not swear anymore, swearing is BAD!" Other bands can do it too. For Example: "Hey Lars! For our next album, lets shit up your snare drum and write some crap lyrics while we thrash our guitars randomly!"

Yeah, Slipknot singing songs like the Beatles would if they were gay is kinda as bad as Metallica thrashing out ass music to a seriously screwed up drum kit.

by QuickStartGuide June 7, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just another mallcore band with Nirvana and Korn as it's main influences. They are more deceiving than the other mallcore bands as they use evil and disturbing imagery like a lot of metal bands but the themes of the music are still INTROSPECTIVE and ANGSTFUL. 2 things which are NOT metal.

Possibly the worst musical group ever. They have 9 members in the band yet a retard thumping about in a skip would make the same sound. No technical skill. No interesting riffs. No melody. No solos. It's mallcore you know the drill.

The worst thing about these inbred dipshits is that they insist they are metal and that mallcore is metal so they are one of the most counterproductively harmful bands to the tag of heavy metal.

This band is NOT FUCKING METAL. Go listen to Iron Maiden and compare it to Slipknot. Big difference in style and attitude. Go listen to Suffocation and compare them to Slipknot. Suffocation, a band with downtuned riffs and growls like Shitknot but they actually use heavy riffs and have fucking solos and solos are one of the prime ingredients of metal. If a heavy song doesn't have a solo. 9 times out of 10 it won't be metal.

Slipknot are a fucking trend band with a shitty gimmick which has been done before. Mushroomhead want their ideas back! That's right. They can't even be original about being shit. They're talentless noise and have just ripped of Mushroomhead and Korn and that's why they're the worst band EVER.

Slipknot are the worst band EVER

by Jaxtapose October 28, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most people dont know what type of music slipknot play. dumbass people who do not no what the fuck there on about say "Slipknot is an angsty mallcore band who are a favorite of teenage girls" and then continue on to say "the band members can be found engaging in homosexual acts" if they are fond of teenage girls how can they be homosexuals it doesnt make sence and some of them are married aswell, and even shawn quotes "Here's a warning, hurt a woman or girl of any age around Sid he will smash you so bad you're gonna hope you never set your eyes on her again."
"their extremely bad drums are just gay" Joey Jordison is one of the best drummers in metal history, so whoever say joey is shit and cant play drums then i would love to see them play even 1.1 times better than him.
And people say that they copied mushroomhead by wearing masks yet mushroomhead wear face paints.

Slipknot wear masks so people dont just focus on them entirely but for the music mostly

by Rambo MotherFucker August 23, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


slipknot is a band from iowa

they started in 1992 but the project fell though then was picked back up in 1995 the first slipknot cd called mfkr or known as MATE FEED KILL REPEAT.then slipknot had another cd in 1999 with a total of 9 members a singer 3 drummers 2 guitarest 1 sampler 1 dj and 1 bassest. the next cd in 2002 was named iowa from where all of them came except for the sampler. then the next cd was called the subliminal verses. slipknot is a fucking excellent band and fuck all u people who said they suck go be a shane or a juggalo

by barcode killer November 28, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


fucking the most pussiest band on the face of this fucking universe

person 1: have you heard of slipknot
person 2: what are you a fucking pussy willow ass bitch nigga

by kevin mottai December 4, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


a band who burns vomit on stage and flips off their fans and calls them maggots and throws things at them at a live concert.

they are also the only band worse than korn. but korns actually tries to play the music which i can respect them for. but slipknot purposefully sucks.

poser 1: dude have u heard slipknots new album?

true metal fan: well, i heard a dying sheep on a farm so i guess i did hear the album already.

poser 1: oh yeah, well i'll bet u listen to bsb and britney spears! *sniff*

by pikamunununu July 14, 2004

33๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž