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social dose

The quantity of a mind-altering substance which does not impair the user's ability to functionally converse. This dosage can a be highly (no pun intended) subjective, depending not only upon the substance and the user, but also the peripheral circumstances.

When David Hasselhoff's cheeseburger starts falling apart, that's a sure sign that Mr. Hasselhoff has surpassed his social dose of alcohol for the evening.

You might THINK you're on a social dose of david lee roth, but you are acting like an overbearing coked-up bastard.

The girls didn't know much about mixing alcohol with pills, so their 'social dose' of Xanax and Smirnoff Ice led to blackouts and xanaps.

by LΓ’rry DΓ’ngΓΌs, esq. May 27, 2010

542πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is the worst form of Mental Disorder, and no one can understand it, without having yet lived with it. Always feeling Humiliated, fear of humiliation, breaking out with sweats, and then feeling even more embarrassed of your sweat and feeling as if everyone is staring at it. It can be a snowball effect. We love to be alone because being alone means actually feeling relaxed, unwatched, and unjudged. It is a very sad thing to live with.

It is very hard for anyone with social anxiety to have any normal form of conversation. Over-examing the words and gestures that other people say or do, and eventually ending up feeling embarassed or humiliated for not saying the right thing, or the funny thing, or the cool thing. Our minds race and race and race all the time, every second of the day we are judging ourselves, trying to change ourselves, trying to relax ourselves, trying to understand ourselves, trying to label ourselves, and trying to understand where we fit in in this world. This is just a glimpse of what rollercoasters through our brain, constantly. Never rest. It is truly a terrible disorder.

We are cool people, we just cant HELP it.

A "normal" person may feel an incredible sadness when a loved one passes away, an intense fear when in a traffic Collision, or extreme nervousness when given a large responsibility.

Now, imagine all three (and more) of these feelings being combined and pounded into a single person every second of the day, every day of the year, and every year of their life. It is intense, but the person with social anxiety, must cope.

by InDyingClowns March 29, 2011

268πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

social lifter

A person who spends an inordinate amount of time in the gym in order to meet new people, catch up with friends, and fill up his spank bank. Though difficult to identify, this person will perform only one set of an exercise, stand up to stretch, and walk around the gym looking for someone to hit up.

James: I wish that tard would stop bogarting the flat bench.

Kevin: Don't worry, he's just a social lifter. I'll chat him up, you steal the bench.

by Tuck Rollinsmith April 23, 2008

58πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

social buffer

noun. A person who acts as a social cushion against awkward conversations and social situations for the sake of a friend.

"Please come with me to Anthony's wedding, its going to be so awkward! I don't know anyone there but him- you have to be my social buffer!"

"Casey keeps asking me to come to Thanksgiving at her place this year but I hate being her social buffer, I always end up having to make conversation with her drunk uncle."

by vhatesyou October 9, 2013

Social Life

A social life is a serious condition that involves an excessive amount of time spent with others. Some symptoms include friendships, partying, sexual relationships, and sexual intercourse. Social lives are dangerous because they can create a loss of video game progress, an important form of development, and they cause a gradual loss of fine-motor skills that are critical for gaming. People with a social life often drink excessively, which can cause a higher amount of alcohol in the blood. Sexual intercourse can dangerously result in sexually-transmitted diseases. These are just some of the many symptoms of a social life.

Diagnostic Criteria

The sufferer is often referred to as a "noob" in online games.

The sufferer spends too much time with others.

The sufferer has stopped masturbating as much.

The sufferer has a compulsion to spend time with others.

If you, or someone you know online is suffering from a social life, do not worry, there are many therapeutic procedures that can cure the victim of a social life. One method of therapy is online gaming. The sufferer will quickly lose the social life. Another method of therapy is Internet pornography. These are just some of the many procedures to cure a social life. A social life is a serious condition that can be easily cured.

John got a girlfriend, so rapid intervention was imperative to cure him of a social life.

by Jack41EL November 29, 2013

268πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

social anxiety

Characterized by extreme self-consciousness. A condition in which the subject may be consistently nervous, fearing judgement and over-rationalizing, taking things apart to much, often worrying about what others may think of them, not to mention feeling like they are always being looked at.

I think that wierd guy who comes in here now and then, the one who always seems kind of nervous and doesn't make eye contact, has social anxiety. Sucks.

All socially anxious people should unite and start a community together. Approach your fellow nervous wreck. Also, socially anxious people should all date each other, because it's near impossible to get along with others. Fuck everyone else, there's nothing wrong with us.

by Chuck October 5, 2003

1717πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž

Social Media

Online networks where both adolescents and young adults go to express one of two statements:

1) "I'm complaining about my boring, shitty life." Used as an alternative to actually making life interesting.

2) "Look how superior my boring, shitty life is to your boring, shitty life" Used to passively belittle the only 250 people the individual knows.

Also used by middle aged adults mostly to post pictures of cats.

Popular websites are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Person 1: "I'm insecure about my life so I will post a picture on the social media site Facebook, of me having a great time. Although, most of that time was pretty shitty."
Person 2: *sees picture* "Wow, my life is pretty shitty compared to theirs."

Person 3: "I hate my job because I'm uneducated and nobody ever taught me how to work hard. I think I will tweet about it on the social media site Twitter, so maybe people will pity me."

Person 2: *reads tweet* "At least my life isn't that shitty."

by I Hate my Generation December 16, 2013

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