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lions tail

Lions tail is a plant that is considered a weed and can reach up to 25 feet tall. The latin name is Leonotis leonorus. It can be used to ease pre-menstural discomfort, but it is more often used as a legal substitute to Cannabis.

"Lets go smoke some weed". "Nah, I dont want to get in trouble. Lets smoke some Lions tail".

by Ryan June 19, 2006

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male tail

The male version of a whale tail. When a man's thong underware is hiked up so high, his pants are so low, or a combination of both, that you can see what resembles the sea creature's tail.

D: What is THAT!?!?
J: Ah, yeah that's just a male tail. They're all over the place here.
D: Oh, how fun. Look! That one is neon green!

by Dorth Vadar April 3, 2008

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Yellow Tail

1 a beautiful woman of asian descent

2 a woman of asian descent appearing to have a hip measurement more than one standard deviation greater than that of the average asian woman's (30")

Lets go to Flushing and check out some Yellow Tail.

by joe November 6, 2004

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pony tail

1) the thing that's on a ponies butt

2) when a person with long hair puts it in a singular hair elastic

1) grr I got whipped in the face by a ponies tail

2) I put my hair in a pony tail for my camping trip

by Cell girl April 16, 2014

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jail tail

A small ponytail favored by prisoners, ex-cons, and meth dealers.

That guy's jail tail and prison tats are freaking me the hell out.

by buddybacon March 22, 2008

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Whale Tail

It is the representation of a females thong (or g-string) when it is visible over bottoms.

"Hey look guys, I can see Stacy's whale tail!"

by Whatwasthatword November 18, 2009

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Tail Rudder

Similar to the 'Motorboat'. The act of pushing one's face in between the butt cheeks, and rocking your head from side to side very rapidly while making a vigorously, vibrating your lips.

I took your mum home last night she loved the Tail Rudder!

by TailRudder October 7, 2010