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A lying dictator who squanders the tax payer's dollar on an unnecessary war. Can also be used to describe one's pubic hair. Both are synonomous.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking of ways to harm out country and our people, and niether do we" - George W. Bush

by porquellamaes August 23, 2005

55πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


George W. Bush B43

Son of Barbara, a pretentious, arrogant, prep school prima donna PRIG; a stuttering, strutting, fly-by-night, profligate dime-store dandy candy snorting COKE HEAD; a business busting, pocket stuffing, incompetent, opportunist drunk turned show-time tin badge toting tough guy STOOGE; a careless, duty dodging, pseudo-faith based, lazy thinking, willfully ignorant red-neck GOMER; a compassionate hypocrite, a conservative fraud; an election tampering, constitution ignoring, back room pay-off practicing MANIPULATOR; a dyslexic, undisclosed location seeking, bomb-shelter diving scene stealing self-promoting GUMP; a daddy’s boy tail-coat riding half-breed aristocrat BOZO a parasitic socialite fop and putz TOPPER possessed of a β€˜trust me because other wise you're against me and you know I'll go get someone to git even with ya’ attitude, SPAGHETTI WESTERNER; a bloody handed, budget surplus vaporizing administrative GREENHORN; a chicken hawk, sabre rattling SNAKE internationally recognized as a dangerously embarrassing diplomatic DOLT whose national political image largely stems from his willingness to be for 156 mostly ethnic men in Texas their KILLER when the civilized world forbids execution. A man shown as what he is when compared to American Heroes of his age group such as John Francis Kerry.

du b du b du, du da, da doh doh dum.
George W. Bush b43bush 43

by Yeoman February 20, 2004

80πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž


Currently the President of the United States. He is hands down the worst president of modern times, and is a disgrace to the image of America everywhere. He was reelected in 2004, due to all the Rednecks and Christan right assholes supporting him. George Bush's reelection is proof of the declining level of intelligence among Americans.

Set "George Bush has made it clear that he is the decider. Yes, i know. We are all fucked."

by Set Abominae March 15, 2007

33πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


1. Reference to cunt.
2. Expression referring to the 43rd President of the United States; used to describe failure and denial of responsibility.

"I don't know where that $100 is I owe you. Maybe someone took it."
"Dude, don't fucking pull a Bush on me."

by Billy Bob Beau Green March 4, 2004

45πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


A southern-speaking, mistaken for a redneck man, that's from Texas

Bush says "Mah fellah Ummerrykans, there are weapuns of massss distruction in Araq".

by Fobby December 19, 2005

44πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


The 43rd President of the United States who has managed to ruin any credibility that the USA had. Originating from Texas, where he has his Crawford Ranch, he is a extreme republican.
George W. Bush has contributed to the world in the following ways:

1)Going from a Surplus of money to a debt of almost 800 trillion dollers.
2)Invading a country with the basis of them having WMDs and finding no WMD's.
3)Extraditing and torturing suspected terrorist on their ethnicities without any proof or warrants
4)Refusing to talk with other world leaders
5)Evading military service
6)Being a member of Alcholics Anonymous
7)Being a cocaine abuser
8)Losing all of USA's allies
9)Losing the War on Terror
10)Being unprepared for Katrina
11)Destroying foriegn relations with 96% of the world countries
12)Having Dick Cheney as a Vice President
13)Destroying Health and Education reforms in the US.
14)Overstreching the military
15)Lowering taxes for the rich and raising them for the poor

George W. Bush managed to:
3)Guantanomo Bay
4)Saddam Hussien and Ahmadinejad
5)Texas Air Rangers


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retarded, stupid, dumb, upsetting

You got in trouble? That's bush.

by Nate Vandermeer January 28, 2004

49πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž