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cleveland torpedo

Also known as a tornegro - when you shit in the pool.

I's over swimming at Teresa's and left her a cleveland torpedo.

by Andrew BX August 26, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cleveland Steamer

The Cleveland Steamer does not necessarily involve the rolling back and forth, to and fro, per se of said dookie. Rather, the term Steamer refers to the relative temperature at which a growler is produced. The rectum being 4 degrees F above core body temperature allows for the optimal environment to produce a Celine Dion with the smoldering characteristics. Cleveland refers to the cleavage of a womans breastesis though, ironically, homo's are the main proprietors of this filthy fetish.

While having mediocre sex with Nancy, or whatever her name was, she excitedly offered up her heaving breastesis for a Cleveland Steamer. Repulsed beyond comprehension by the fact that she was: a) not only into such debauchery but b) excited by the thought, I backed my cack out of her arse, proceeded to give her an impromptu hot carl, got dressed and fucked off.

by Seatthell February 14, 2006

544๐Ÿ‘ 432๐Ÿ‘Ž

cleveland steamer

An act performed by at least two people, which appeals to the prurient interest of one or all parties, in which one party defecates upon the chest of another.

Oy! Don't talk to her. That bird gives Cleveland steamers back in the shitter for half a crown, she does.

by Danny May 14, 2004

322๐Ÿ‘ 247๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cleveland Steamer

The act of taking a dump on someone's torso and then opening the window on a cool night to watch the steam rise from it.

After a fun night of sledding, Annie and I went back to her place where I gave her a Cleveland Steamer.

by Dw Gentry March 29, 2005

265๐Ÿ‘ 201๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cleveland championship

when you want something that is unattainable you want a Cleveland championship. wanting in one hand and shitting in the other. and waiting for the want hand to fill up more than all the shit.

a scorn to someone who wants something unattainable. a way to make someone realize they are wishing for to much.

Dude I'm so gonna bang Megan Fox tonight.
yeah and there is going to be a Cleveland championship to.

Dad when I grow up I'm gonna buy you and mom a house.

yeah right son, and there will be a Cleveland championship.

hey man I just gave that chic my number, I bet she calls me tonight.
Yeah right that's a Cleveland championship scenario.

by uncle lester July 23, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cleveland Steamer

cleveland steamer is when you shit on her chest, cincinnati steamer is when you put syran wrap on her face and shit on it

if you shit on her chest, its a cleve (cleaveage) shit on her face its a cinci

by craps onur April 25, 2004

252๐Ÿ‘ 188๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cleveland Steamer

Don't get this shit wrong. A genuine (pronounced gen-u-INE) Cleveland Steamer is specifically the act of:
1) Laying a deuce upon your partners chest, then,
2) Sliding your buttcheeks up and down your partner's chest in a wake of your mud river, AND
3) making an authentic sound of a steam-whistle blowing.
Only once the steam-whistle has been sounded have you actually completed a realistic and true Cleveland Steamer.

"Wow, i gave my chick a Cleveland Steamer last night."
"Oh yeah, did you do the steam-whistle sound and everything?"
"Hellzyeah. Woke the neighbors up and everything!"

by Swinger Dave October 26, 2008

1785๐Ÿ‘ 1501๐Ÿ‘Ž