a stupid fucking virus that stops us from going outside and makes us need to have explosive diarrhea and we buy more toilet paper. Also, invisible dumbass creatures make germs on us, so we need more hand sanitizer
Girl: Hey, have you heard of the coronavirus?
Boy: Yeah, I fucking hate that shit
once upon a time a virus from china spread all over the world but in the us people hoarded toilet paper
johnny went to Walmart to get toilet paper but instead got coronavirus
A disease that makes all the karens steal the toilet paper and disinfectant and people in school have to take online school bullshit
a: im sad bc the coronavirus is here
b: me too bc now i cant wipe my hooha
A virus that was made in Wuhan, China by a stupid ass, dumb ass, bat soup eating Chinese person. Some people don’t believe it and Some gettin all the toilet paper. It’s probably the Karens tbh.
Trump: You should inject lysol into your body to kill the Coronavirus.
Lysol: Please do not put our products into your body please.
Everyone in America: Dont listen to that stupid ass man.
A virus that causes people to hoard toilet paper, even though it’s not believed to cause diarrhea. I can understand stocking up on 100 rolls for a cholera outbreak, but come on people, this is a lung disease...
Oh no, scary coronavirus, better buy 10000 rolls of tp just in case I get the shits
A pandemic that started in 2019. Known as Sars 2.0
Peter: I got coronavirus