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He has a tiny penis that’s so small that he pisses all over his balls.

Don’t pull a Rudi and piss all over your balls!

by Chobby November 22, 2021


This can be a girl or a guy. Rudi is someone who genuinely cares about other people. This makes them very attractive and someone to hold on to. Rudi can make anyone laugh, smile, or lift up their mood. Usually is very good looking and sweet.
Damn Rudi is so sweet and cute!
And has a huge head

(person 1):Hey Rudi
(Rudi): Hey

by I is gay January 31, 2020


A guy with a massive cock. Rudi is also amazing in every way possible, and gets all the girls. If you spend your Saturday night with Rudi, you will be temporarily paralysed the next day

“Why are you in a wheelchair?”
“Me and Rudi had fun last night and now I can’t walk!”

by Willy Boly’s third leg November 29, 2021


Rudi is a shaggy-haired person with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a dog named Red. He dislikes snuggles.

"Rudi, with his shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes, prefers playing fetch with his dog Red rather than snuggling."

by Tinkleinmybum October 6, 2023


Rudi is a nice, funny, caring, and very attractive person. They will be there for you no matter what, when your sad, frustrated, on your ups and downs days, and anytime you nee the. They are really easy to get attracted to, to the point you’ll love them forever. If you have a Rudi in your life don’t let go of them because they are very special and will be the best person you’ve ever met. Hold onto them forever.

Rudi is so amazing.
I really needed a person like Rudi in my life.
Rudi cracks me the fuck up.

by fruity69 March 11, 2022


A person, who because of low emotional intelligence, can't handle negative emotions very well. So when they for example fail at something they lash out at something outside of themselves, usually another person, instead of accepting the situation and moving on, or even better, figuring out something they could change in their way of doing things, work on it, and become better that way.

Krak3n is a gamer who when he dies almost always calls the person that killed him a cheater. Krak3n is a Rudis. Everyone above the age of 14 gets annoyed playing with Krak3n.

by jopejope April 20, 2024


Heeft een tyfus grote hekel aan gsms
hij loopt niet rond met een kalasjnikov (niet geverifieerd)

job: videos downloaden en uploaden op toledo
loon: te weinig

Andre, leg je gsm weg voordat er een rudi komt!

by UncleRonald March 20, 2023