On the 11th of January, become aware of your female friends. While they may seem like friends, there's a chance they won't be a true friend, but a bitch.
Hey, dude, it's female bitch awareness day. You may want to watch out for that girl in your friend group.
The Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp(EAC) brings forth to you a stage of workshops along with regarded dignitaries and entrepreneurs where members will get one-on-one tutoring by industry pioneers, and get a chance to introduce their plan of action to a board of private investors. Guaranteeing to empower you and your startup.
My startup got the funding I needed and mentorship at the Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp!
: developed skills to see and remember a physical space or emotional space before it transpires.
With eyes closed, he was able to navigate around his home using his spacial awareness; a memory of each item's unique scale and shape so that even though he was losing his sight, he could still use his memory.
A month to celebrate men and women with breast cancer.
For breast cancer awareness month, tie a pink ribbon around your neck.
March is the new Adrian Awareness month
“What is the month today?”
“Adrian Awareness Month”
After the 20th century war a conclusion has came after thee Vixel’s girlfriend Arryn did everything in her power to expose him. It is celebrated on every September and you must DM Vixel to make him happy.
Oh my god it is vixel awareness month!