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sperm toilet

A "sperm toilet" normally refers to a female in her teens or twenties, or possibly even her thirties, who has sex with many partners. She is promiscuous, and allows her sex partners to ejaculate into her vagina, mouth, and even into her anus. She can also be classified as a receptacle.

1. Man, I wish that chick was not such a sperm toilet, because she is actually very nice, and I'd like to have a relationship with her.

2. What time did you stop by her house? I hope I got there first because I don't the venereal disease that you probably infected her with.

by Rook's Buddy May 11, 2010

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toilet seat

what according to women should be down all the time, like someone is lifting it up for men when they have to take a piss.

I have to lift the fucking toilet seat myself

by Slunjan July 18, 2008

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Toilet Wrinkles

The wrinkles that form in one's pant legs from being pushed down for extended periods of time when sitting on the toilet.

* at John's party *
John: "Someone spoiled the candle influenced aromas of my bathroom and didn't use the fan. Was it you Jimmy?"
Jimmy: * with toilet wrinkles in his pants * "I was just checking my teeth."
John: "It was you Jimmy. Get out of my house."

by Danglin Billies January 26, 2017

emotional toilet

someone who you take emotional dump s on.

someone that you tell all your issues to in order to make yourself feel better

that super nice, but depressed friend everyone has

emma:man my life sucks
joey:stop using me as your emotional toilet!

by ellasocksyourrocks January 23, 2011

toilet core

A sub genre of heavy metal that primarily features vocals that sound like a toilet or a stomach during a violent bowel movement.

After eating a four day old beef quesarito and three cups of coffee, Roger was ready lay down the vocal tracks for his toilet core band, Dysenterium.

by wtfAreRobsterCraws August 28, 2017

toilet gold

Corn in your turds down in the toilet

I took a big dump. I looked into the toilet and thought there was gold in them logs. Then I remembered it was just toilet gold.

by Cpt Norm February 24, 2009

Toilet Zombie

What you become when you have sat on the toilet so long that your leg falls asleep, causing you to drag your leg behind you until it wakes up.

Don't eat that burrito, man. I had one and it turned me into a Toilet Zombie.

by Night of the Living Deuce March 21, 2014