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Virtual Crush

Some one you like on social media or on virtual games who you have never made contact in real life with.

Friend 1: "Omigod who are you texting on Whisper?"
Friend 2: *blushes*
Friend 3: "OOOOO someone's got a virtual crush!"

by Kawaii Cheesesticks October 24, 2016

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virtual horder

a person who virtually hordes everything from porn, cat pictures, porn, .gifs, porn and eventually has 10 harddrives full of clutter also known as virtual clutter

Miranda is a virtual horder, she doesn't even watch all that cat porn she downloads.

by monamiejorgedotcom June 29, 2010

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Virtual Road Head

The act of a male receiving oral sex from a female while participating in a racing video game. Recommended game is Mario Kart Double Dash.

Damn shawtty, I 'bout dropped the controller and lost to that bitch peach cause that Virtual Road Head was so mo' fuckin' good.

That nappy headed hoe from the 3rd flow, Kelly, best get her bitch ass down to 201 to get my Virtual Road Head befo i finish this all cup tour.

by Willie Fister October 29, 2009

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virtually dry humping

When you and a buddy "poke" each other back and forth long enough on Facebook, you get hot for each other.

Jack: pokes Jill
Jill: pokes back
Jack: pokes back
Jill: pokes back
Jack is virtually dry humping Jill.

by VirtualDryHumper November 14, 2011

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Qantas Virtual Group

Qantas Virtual Group is a Virtual Airline based on the mobile simulator, Infinite Flight.

Qantas Virtual Group was the first virtual airline created for Infinite Flight and has been around since 2012. The chairman is the most esteemed member, we bow down to him.

QVG Pilot: Hey, are you a member of Qantas Virtual Group?
Other QVG Pilot: Absolutely! Who wouldn't want to be apart of a VA as good as that!

by ohyeahohyeahohyeahohyeah May 20, 2020

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Virtual Road Dome

When your playing a car racing game (like Mario Kart) and you are getting a blowjob or (dome) at the same time.

My friend Nate Baker got some nice virtual road dome last night. "Hey baby, wanna give me some quick virtual road dome?"

by Tybo596 December 22, 2012

Virtual Tea Bag

To take a picture of one's testicles using a cellular phone, then sending that picture to a friend or enemy (picture message).

Often part of a Virtual Tea Bag Campaign where several people perform the Virtual Tea Bag on one unsuspecting friend.

by Shorty Short Shorts March 21, 2008

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