Cutting one's nose with the new fiver whilst snorting cocaine
Man i got winstoned last night, I hope I don't get an infection
A person who is legit handsome and the best person in the world.
Henry Winston is so hot, hadsome, and smart.
A group of the best aimers to walk the planet, only real Winston Aim members have good enough aim to use Winston
That guy is shitting on us, I wonder if he's in Winston Aim.
The act of getting a huge genetically engineered gorilla with a huge erection and letting him slam his meat in you.
Chase: “hey how was the zoo yesterday?”. Isabel; “well, it was a gamble as I almost died from the winston slamming at the gorilla park”.
Probably paralyzed. Is the product of 2 very weird, polar opposite parents. One is highly inappropriate, and cringe af. Posting pics on the internet wearing panties. Is a black. The other may or may not exhibit racist tendencies. Is a white. The boy in the wheely chair is definitely going to be a biracial. A brown. He l also likes takis, saltine crackers. And is hella mean to any similarly biracial girl humans whose name is likely to be either Iris or Melissa. That girl’s dad is a large, tubby McFat Fuck bastard.
Person 1: “Ooh! Ohh! Do Wesley!”
Person 3: “thought to themselves… hold my fucking beer… and typed manifested this nonsense into existence!”
Wesley (Winston, Gerome) On Wesley (Winston, and or gerome.)
My sugar daddy
"Flex for me sugar daddy"
(Dedicated to Winston Roberts)
A region in Alabama full of illiterate dumbass’ who will probably tickle your sack for a half gram of fentanyl.
“Winston County is a hell hole. I’d rather stick glass in my pecker hole than live there.”