Source Code

White Sunglasses

Sunglasses that tend to be worn by complete douchebags who think they possess what is called "swag".

Guy 1: "Did you see Cole's white sunglasses?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, I always knew he was a douchebag"

Cole: "Check out my sweet icy shades bros!" "SWAG!!"

Guy 1: "Holy shit...."

by Brosiden696969 February 2, 2012

189πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

White Yute

A White Yute is a racial - non racial word for insulting a white person acting hard or cool on the internet
White Yutes are often called Year 7's and listen to the OFB Drill Rapper SJ
They are not british roadmen, if they try to be roadman, they are white yutes or chavs

"Bruv look at this guy he actin hard, your not rude boy"
"Shut the fuck up you likkle white yute, you probably pretend to be black on the internet"

by Bleddy Drills February 5, 2021

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

White Wine

Metaphor for cocaine


by VΓ€ikeKenni June 1, 2018

31πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

white smoke

A way of saying that the group has reached a consensus; agreement after debate. Based on the tradition of burning straw along with the ballots to make white smoke above the Vatican when the College of Cardinals has elected a new Pope.

After three hours of negotiation, I think we finally have white smoke!

by RadioRay September 25, 2005

49πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

White Knight

1) A man who stands up for a womens right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

When a woman believes she can do absolutely everything a man can do and better, but when she is asked to list something heavy as her everyday chore the white knight will come to defend her when she protests.

by DigitalAcolyte February 25, 2014

3451πŸ‘ 644πŸ‘Ž

White Walling

To delete many or even all past facebook posts in an effort to maintain a reasonable reputation

Jason: Yo you really think they're gonna hire you if they see your facebook page?
Jim: They wont find anything, I'm white walling that shit right now

by The Achievers March 5, 2013

1770πŸ‘ 324πŸ‘Ž

White Castle

The ultimate stoner fast food joint popularized by "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle". Sometimes open 24/7, catering to potheads with a nasty case of the munchies. For fuck's sake, they actually sell a goddamn paper case filled with 30 burgers. You'll get the runs and your heart will explode...but it's really freaking good!

I'm high as shit and it's 1 in the morning. Let's go to White Castle.

by The Dude August 29, 2004

848πŸ‘ 150πŸ‘Ž