A word to describe someone who has incredible wisdom.
You know Eden? Yeah she’s really wisdomic, she helped me with studying, really opened my eyes.
Godly wisdom comes when we ask God and then follow the instructions given us, which are always within the guidelines of the Word of God.
Godly Wisdom is something given to us by God the maker of heaven and earth.
The unparalleled wisdom of one of those who is a man, though is in similar stature to a female. Their wise words tell you of tales they have encountered. If a trap offers you wisdom it is absolute and unquestionable.
Person 1: The Trap gave me his unparalleled Trap Wisdom.
Person 2: No way, I bet it'll help you a ton!
Woken wisdom is the illusion that one is intelligent. Someone who speaks as If they know what they are talking about
Ahh I posess woken wisdom . Matt hardy