This is the art of riding a Sharknado while masturbating thinking about Jason Statham
Wow did you see Jo doing the Dirty Nova last week at the Super Bowls?
A drink commonly made at bars in the Villanova University area... consists of peach vodka, sprite and a blue monster
"Hey you going to Maloney's?" "Yeah man they make those dope nova bombs."
RIP Maloney's
The result of entirely too much drunken Taco Bell.
Oh man...I'm never going out for drinks with you again. I woke up with some serious anal nova this morning.
its someone who needs to get a life and find sumthing better to do than harras people for silly stupid reason, and think she is the dogs b******s of all chavs.
going to get sumit back which they have borrowed and then attack you for no reason, then call the police and blame you so they are campa nova
When you're perpetually late for work and give zero fucks.
Hey we start at 6.
Shiiiiiit I’ll be there at 8 but I need to leave at noon.
It’s 7:00 where’s Jon?
He’s on nova time.
BIG BOOTY think as fuck like wow WOW hot mamas
guy 1: wow did you see nova kongmala?!! hes think as fuck
guy 2: HELL YEA ID TAP THAT no homo tho he just got that cake