Source Code

slug stamping

"The female equivilent (sic) of Tea Bagging" (according to Wikipedia's entry for "Teabagging" as of 19 March 2009); ergo, the act of pressing ("stamping") the vagina against the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. This practice can leave a pattern of viscous moisture on the recipient's face or head, vaguely reminiscent of a slight trail of slime a slug would leave were it to travel around someone's face/head.
Although this term is acknowledged in Wikipedia, it does not seem to be prevalent on the internet at this time.

Mary spent quality foreplay time slug stamping Pat before fully grinding her 'gina on her lover's mouth.

by FreePussy Cassini March 30, 2009

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Banana slug

Code for β€œI’m falling in love with you.” It originates from the Netflix series Everything Sucks!, in which the character Luke promised to use this code word if he found himself falling in love with the lesbian character Kate.

This phrase is generally used on its own with no context.

β€œIf I find myself falling in love with you, I’ll yell β€˜banana slug!’ and you can head for the hills.”

by OfAvalor March 10, 2018

50πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Little Slug

A person who is lazy, boring, annoying, uninteresting, short, sluggish in their movement or generally unballer in every way.

Kevin: Did you see that girls boyfriend? He was such a little slug

Wayne: Yeah, he was a complete slug, a little slug with no personality


David: The Swindon lot are little slugs, little slugs with no personality who are just jealous of us because we're better than them at everything!

by monsierpanda October 13, 2009

39πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

anal slug

anal slug: the unwanted fingering of an asshole(it may be durring sex or to another person at random) it can happen to a man or woman.

Yo bro I gave my girl the anal slug last night she freaked out

by Blowj July 21, 2014

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

slug bitch

a slow ass person that takes several minutes to process something relatively simple.

β€œjessica the question wasn’t that hard, stop being such a slug bitch”

by venturathagodd69 July 26, 2020

slugging percentage

1. A measure of determining sexual scoring prowess calculated by dividing total bases(1B=kissing, 2B=touching, 3B=oral, 4B=Sex) by the number of dated partners.

2. In baseball, a statistic to gauge power by dividing total bases by at bats.

After five dates and only one boob touch, John finished the 2010 dating season with a paltry .200 slugging percentage. However, he slugged a whopping .886 in for his company softball team.

by kris takahashi April 16, 2010

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

slug trails

Markings left by a woman.

That bird i copped off with last night has left huge great slug trails on my bed sheets / laminate flooring / kitchen worktop / car bonnet / face delete as appropriate

by mark November 16, 2003

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