The sensation of waking up and having one or both of your arms go completely numb after sleeping on it and restricting bloodflow
"I woke up this morning with stranger arm lying in my bed and it took me a while to figure out it that it was just mine."
When a male commences in the act of sitting on top of his own hands until they become numb and fall asleep. Then he starts to masturbate, and because his hands are asleep it feels like a "stranger" that is quite "lazy."
Dude guess what i did last night
i gave myself a lazy stranger
a "lazy stranger?"
yeah, its when you sit on yourhands till they fall asleep and then you jerk off with it!
dude! you fag!
No dude trust me,its cool, dont worry about it,c'mon trust me.
Turn around look at what you see in her face a mirror of your dreams make believe in every where given in the light written on the pages is the answer to our never ending story reach the stars fly a fantasy dream a dream and what u see will be rhymes that keep there secrets will unfold behind the clouds there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never ending story
“Wow stranger things is so good”
Stranger things is seen to be a successful TV series originally on Netflix. Most people think of this show when hearing the wordC stranger. But what do these words really explain? Well here’s your answer, stranger in the term “ stranger things “ can mean many things describing, odd, weird, strange, unusual, abnormal and so on. Things represents objects and items. So, this show is an unusual show ( object or item ) Therefore, Stranger things means Odd/abnormal objects/items.
“ Gosh! those sure are some stranger things!” Gwen ranted
“ I would have to agree!” Lily exclaimed
A person that you temporarily treat as a close personal friend that which you have met via digital means, i.e. online, IM, mobile, etc, that you affiliate, support, recognize and/or communicate with in some form but yet, you have never physically met "live, or "in person"; face to face.
When I get a heart felt reply, sent to me via text message 2 or 3 months after I sent the original message; I reply to them as a if they are a digital stranger.
Sitting on your hand and penis until both fall asleep and then jerking off, eliciting the feeling of a hand job from someone to someone else.
The double stranger bois
Main Entry: strang·er
Pronunciation: da \ˈstrān-jər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estrangier stranger, foreigner, from estrange
Date: 14th century
1 : one who is strange: as a (1) : foreigner (2) : a resident alien b : one in the house of another as a guest, visitor, or intruder c : a person or thing that is unknown or with whom one is unacquainted d : one who does not belong to or is kept from the activities of a group e : one not privy or party to an act, contract, or title : one that interferes without right
Da Stranger is has a style that is foreign, alien if you like.
Just darn different. New. I love that kind of music.