The opposite of ricer.
Someone who refuses to put a fart pipe, clear tail lights, shopping cart spoilers or oversized rims with rubber bands for tires on his/her vehicle.
A vehicle without said options.
That guy just laughed at my chrome tailpipe and stickers, he must be anti-riced.
That old car is so clean and original it's anti-riced.
The process of giving max review points.
The Last of Us 2 was Anti-Bombed as a response to the backlash from the controversial leaks, look at everyone trying to gain inclusivity and diversity points.
Anti-MarySue's are the cancer of role plays.They are not the opposite of MaryAue's, yet they are very close.Anti-MarySue's have a dark past and are suicidal , they are sometimes friends will ALL the CreepyPasta's and they are usually murderer's .They'll all look dark and 'cool' and they'll have dark things such as black wings and horns, they'll usually be some kind of dark creature like a demon or fallen angel to seem cool.They'll also always have the dark and 'evil' powers of the world.Anti-MarySue are usually played by fake emo's
normal person 1:"dude they're was some bullshit character that this fake emo had while i was role players with her., she had such a anti-MarySue character "
normal person 2:"ugh anti-MarySue's are the plague of the internet
(new setting)
fake emo:"OH SO my oc's is friend with all the CreepyPasta's, and she is married to Jeff the killer and is the sister of Jane the killer, and Satan is her uncle , but she has a dark past and is suicidal"
normal person: "dude that's such an anti-MarySue character"
When you get killed in Fortnite or called down for dinner.
That's anti-poggers, this kid got a lucky kill.
The opposite of sarcasm; being completely serious and taking what others say ironically as being completely serious. Often used to comedic effect or as a defense against sarcasm.
"I'm okay. Don't mind the gaping wound and the sword protruding from my back. I'm fine. Feel like a million fucking bucks, dammit." (Sarcasm)
"Oh, good. I was worried for a moment." (Anti sarcasm)
It is when someone doesn't like to establish any accounts or post anything on Instagram, we call this attitude anti-instagramism.
Hey, Mark, you should stop that anti-instagramism, and start your Instagram account to cope up with the modern world.
A person who holds the view that organized religion when considered throughout the centuries has been a destructive force in society, wrongly believed is that all are also agnostics or atheists, but a great number of faithful theists also see organized religion as harmful to society and choose to follow their own path to god.
when considering the crusades, September the 11th, the holocaust and the Spanish inquisition the anti-theist concluded that religion had caused great harm to society.
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