it means its Walid Ahmed cabdala the king
Walid Ahmed Cabdala what are you doing?
Am a Walid Ahmed Cabdala
a person who should date girls with name beginning with a and ending in e who are 5,5..... they are over 6ft with pretty black hair and are hottt.
person 1: whos that tall guy? he looks like he is 6ft2.??
person 2:oh thats just aayan ahmed.
The sexiest Man to ever roam planet earth. A charming personality with lots of girls around him. He has the biggest dick and girls fucking love to have sex with him
Hey did you have sex with Siam Ahmed today?
Rayyan Ahmed was once a famous professor who had a wife back in the 2000s. His wife was madly in love with him but he was more focused on his lab work. He always put her aside till her later death in 2015. He is famous for his speech on women and their importance.
Do you know that women speaker whose wife died?
Rayyan Ahmed?
Yes that's the one.
A goofy looking guy from Egypt that fell in love with a beautiful American blonde.
Also a term used for a man that married a woman out of his league.
Wow, the bride is so beautiful, the groom sure pulled off an Ahmed Soliman.
He’s very sexy
best at rocket league
very handsome
always a leader and amazing at sports
wow ahmed the sexy
is sooooo gooood and a rocket league pro
a woman who is tired of your shit .
respect her maaan.
basically she cleans your whole house.
and I personally RESPEEECCCT hee
"OMG have you seen om ahmeds Sheb Sheb ive been trying to find it so I could hide it so she doesn't touch me."