Source Code

The Alpha Star

When someone on a forum sends a moderator a PM to be banned to and once banned returns to the forum with a new name.

Person A to Moderator: UR A IDIOT BAN ME AHAHAHAH
Moderator: *bans*
Person A: *makes a new account*
The alpha star

by NilzPilz July 27, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alpha Male

The term 'Alpha Male' can be defined in both a classical and modern sense. The classical definition derives from the animal kingdom and represents a physical form of dominance over other males. The alpha male lion, for example, claims sexual rights to all females, fights off other male lions to enforce it, eats first after every hunt and dominates a vast territory of land for hunting rights.

In a modern/human sense, younger males (teens, early 20s) will subscribe to the classical form. Like a lion, they will often be the strongest, most intimidating, hit on all of the women beta males want, are usually the first to have new sexual experiences and often dominate a set territory in thier 'hunt' for new women, such as local nightclub scenes.

Older alpha males, however, will evolve the classical traits of stength, intimidation and dominance beyond the physical by gaining power over men through thier very means of living and professional reputation. A powerful business executive, for example, will hire, promote, demote and fire others according to how well they serve his own interests. Rock stars, famous actors and other individuals of 'power' hold very simular capabilities over others in thier respective professions.

Younger alpha males who cannot mature into the modern form will usually cling to the classical form of alpha-maleness for as long as possible.

Mike Tyson was the alpha-male of boxing until Evander Holyfield defeated him, while Bill Gates is currently the alpha male of the software industry.

by Doc Xavian December 29, 2009

1031๐Ÿ‘ 599๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alpha Jerk

Falling into the second socket.The socket of death.There are two sockets you can go into,the dream socket,where you usually go into,or into an alpha jerk where you slip into it and die.

Jimi Hendrix is theorized to have slipped into an alpha jerk,resulting in his death.Alpha jerks can happen when your high.

"hey man,i wonder if i can die,you know?Let me slip into an alpha jerk."

"Dude,i heard about that alpha jerk thing,lets get high!"

"I heard Benny alpha-jerked last night.People said it was an OD but man Benny always said he wanted to go from an alpha jerk."

by Jaja Binx January 29, 2009

38๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gen alpha

People born 2012-2025

Fucking gen alpha kid just beat me up in the cod chat

by My yee 2 May 3, 2021

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Alpha Romeo

NOT to be confused with ALFA ROMEO (an Italian brand of automobile), ALPHA ROMEO (ROMEO like ROMEO & JULIET) is similar to ALPHA MALE, but, whereas ALPHA MALE refers to the BEST MAN, be he the "best athlete", "best fighter", or "best womanizer", etc, ALPHA ROMEO means "best womanizer" PERIOD.

Elvis was the Alpha Romeo of our group; always scoring with the chicks.

by Jerry Lee Lewis December 18, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

[alpha virgin]

the leader of his tribe of virgins. the alpha virgin typically has his own place where other virgins can comfortably hangout. he constantly reminds his betas that he "could" get laid, he just chooses not to. this is the only time sex is talked about in the alpha virgins' environment.

beta virgin: whats goin on tnite?
alpha virgin: some guys are gonna come to my place later and play x-box and watch stepbrothers.
beta virgin: aight i might go.
alpha virgin: everyone is coming.
beta virgin: okay im coming too.

by white8ball June 26, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alpha Female

If you need to be advised what an Alpha Female is, than you wouldn't recognize one even if you saw one. You would just be another scalp she has collected before you realize you met her.

Bodicca, queen of the Iceni tribe in ancient Britannia, was definitely an "Alpha Female." Its not just any woman that can amass an army of 100,000 pissed offed Celts and nearly drive out the entire Roman occupation from their ancient lands.

by Lucifer6 January 26, 2015

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