Brainzzzz zis iz nawt a zombie writing zis, zombie apocalypses are ze bezt zing zat cood happen 2 earth, becuz of all of ze deliciouz brainz
It's a zombie apocalypse!!! Yay!!!!!
The event that will happen when all of the robots in the world decide to end all life on Earth.
Well, here comes the AI Apocalypse, this isn't good, it would've been better if the Zombie Apocalypse happened instead.
Jenny McCarthy is the leader of the slut apocalypse.
A skill, usually done with the aid of technology, which is completely pointless to learn how to do manually, as one would only lose access to technology in an apocalypse scenario, but that skill would be completely useless in an apocalypse.
"Hey Brie, can you help me out with MLA format?"
"No way Thomas, that's a total apocalypse skill. Just use a computer!"
Any place or event where guidos, meatheads, skanks, business majors, hipsters, bankers, accountants, trust-fund asswipes, brokers, guys named "Hunter" or "Tanner" or "Cal" or "Chad" or "Logan," prius drivers, people who like LA, people who like Florida, frat bros, camo wearers, granolas, gold-chain wearers, "hustlers," Kanye fans, Nickelback fans, Texans, girls who flirt with bartenders, eurotrash, face painters, and anyone who watches reality shows meet up to drink or "party." Often sports bars, sports events, "clubs," Ed Hardy stores, or gyms.
Man I want to go to the gym, but it's 230 on a Saturday and the place is going to be a douche apocalypse.
A girl who has sex with a large number of men with no regard for her relationship status or personal health. Similar to the act of storing a lot of meat in a freezer in preparation for the impending apocalypse.
Shorter terms can be A-slut or A-hoe.
"Bro, look at that chick out there on the d-floor in the tight black dress and big boots."
"Yeah man, don't tap that, she's a huge Apocalypse Girl, you'll probably get the herp er' somethin."
"Man, there's so many of those A-sluts these days.. shit."