A queen who dances very well. A good YouTuber and very pretty. A triple threat
Hoe slut whore usually tall and over acheaving slacker procrastinated and hypochondriac usually wants to sleep around but finds no one wants her. Trailer trash
That bitch is such a rylea Beth
A dark-haired beauty. She is beautiful but doesn't know it. She is a bit quiet at times but get to know her and she will bloom like a flower in the spring. She does not fall in love easily but if she does that person will be very lucky. She usually falls for the wrong people. She finds it hard to fit into a certain group of people because she is her own person and stands out from everyone and can’t find anyone who will understand her. She is strong and confident in anything and everything she does. She can do anything if she just puts her mind to it.
Beth Cashen is a hot piece of ass, all the boys want her!
Beth Cashen
A spontaneous hot flash brought on by menopause.
All of a sudden she went all spicy Beth on us.
a beautiful girl who is really kind and funny but also great to be in a relationship with. she has a great smile and is athletic. if you ever date a Laura Beth then you're in luck.
Laura Beth is so beautiful.
A lover of multiple cocks, more often than not simultaneously. In some circles referred to as a "Red Snapper". Can be found in its natural habitat on a pole, scantily clad and dancing to Def Leppard's popular stripper anthem, "Pour Some Sugar on Me".
Jenna Beth gives it away more than a Mormon gives away pamphlets.